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2022 Is The Year Of UFOs On Capitol Hill, As Six Reports And Briefings Are Due This Year
If you think your job is tough, imagine an unknown bureaucrat within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (OUSD(I&S)). If OUSD(I&S) intends to (with the blessing of Congress and key Executive figures) commit its resources to run the new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Office, known as the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), then it’s going to be a difficult few years for those serving within the office.
NEW: Biden Approves Omnibus Bill, Which Includes Funding For UFO Office, As Growing Evidence Suggests UAP Does Not Reflect Adversarial Technology
Today, U.S. President Joe Biden has signed the omnibus bill that funds federal spending for the rest of the current fiscal year, including $782.5 billion for the military, which encompasses money (although no amount has been confirmed) set aside for the new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Office, legislated by Congress within the NDAA 2022, known as the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group or AOIMSG.
The Intelligence Community Must Move Beyond ‘Unidentified’ When It Comes To The UAP Conversation
Nomenclature is used to make things known, but names can also be used to conceal, to stop certain conversations in their tracks. When Juliet asks Romeo, “‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy….what’s in a name?” it is because his family name is the barrier keeping them apart.
Acquire, Assess, Exploit: NASIC Set To Enter The UFO Arena
Yesterday, the much-delayed Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) 2022 was unveiled, and it includes language that suggests gears are shifting regarding the U.S government’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) efforts.
Canada To Prepare Report Into Possible UFO Incursions At Nuclear Facilities And Will Consider Reaching Out To U.S Allies
Canada’s Deputy Minister within its Department of Natural Resources is to prepare a report regarding any incidents involving drones or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) around the nation’s nuclear facilities.
Congress Won’t Accept UFO Obfuscation Any Longer - Expect Fireworks Soon
Today isn’t the same as yesterday for someone in Washington D.C. For those that have received classified Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) briefings, life doesn’t go on as normal.
The Politics of UFO Disclosure
Ever since “flying saucer” reports first made U.S. national news in 1947, the public has wondered when or if the truth would ever be disclosed. Well, if Luis Elizondo has anything to do with the matter, we can expect a positive outcome.
Senator Gillibrand Escalates UFO Rhetoric At Confirmation Hearing
On 15 February 2022, the U.S. Senate’s Armed Services Committee held its confirmation hearing for the Department Of Defense’s (DoD) Inspector General (IG) nominee, Robert Storch. And it marked a perhaps unprecedented and historic moment in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) history.
Why The Defense Implications Within ‘Skinwalkers at the Pentagon’ Are Profound
The implications of the book ‘Skinwalkers at the Pentagon’ haven’t fully been grasped yet. Amidst the headline-grabbing stories of Skinwalker Ranch and ‘hitchhikers’, are accounts that pose severe implications for global security and the fabric of our society.
Why Can’t Former CIA Officials Stop Talking About UFOs?
Is it a coincidence that some of the most mind-blowing comments about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) come from former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials?
Jim Semivan, John Ramirez, James Woolsey, and John Brennan have all made startling admissions within recent months.
The Vatican And UFOs
Christian values are the moral fish tank that many within Western society swim within. The dominion of Christendom has been the bedrock of western civilization since the golden era of Rome’s Caesars.
Although Christianity has splintered since its foundation, its heart remains within Rome and the Vatican - the resting place of its first Pope, St Peter, also the first disciple to witness Jesus appear after his crucifixion.
Are UFOs The Forbidden Frontier Of American Democracy?
"Democracy Dies in Darkness" So reads the Washington Post’s slogan, a phrase made famous by legendary journalist Bob Woodward.
Today, there is no darker place within the U.S. government than the Office of the Secretary of Defence (OSD), in the context of its handling of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
San Marino One Step Closer To Making Historic UFO Request At United Nations
This week, the Centro Ufologico Nazionale of Italy (CUN) and the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) held positive talks with San Marino’s two Heads of State, known as the Captains Regent.
Exclusive: Nuclear Technician Details Serious Security Breaches Involving UFOs and High Strangeness At U.S. Nuclear Base
A former nuclear weapons technician has gone on the record for the first time to speak about disturbing security incidents he encountered at a U.S. Air Force (USAF) base, which stores nuclear weapons.
Whilst stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, between 2003-2007, Adrian Reister claims to have witnessed two incidents involving Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) entering restricted airspace above the base and a serious security breach involving a ‘shadow person’, who Reister chased within the base.
Dramatic New Cockpit Footage From Airbus A320 Shows ‘V-Shaped’ UFO Over Georgia
New video footage has emerged showing Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) from the cockpit of an Airbus A320 flying over Georgia in the U.S. The video shows an apparent stationary object with orange, green, and bright silver lights, as the A320 flew at 39,000ft.
Is A Pentagon Spokesperson Attempting To Avoid Congressional UFO Legislation?
The ink had barely dried on President Biden’s NDAA 2022 signature before the warning signs emerged from factions within the Pentagon. On 29 December, writer Roger Glassel corresponded with Department of Defense (DoD) spokesperson Susan Gough regarding NDAA language requiring the establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Office.
Why French Officials Remained Silent About UFOs, Despite Incidents Involving Nuclear Assets
La France.
It’s the nation of the GEIPAN, as discussed in my pre-Christmas article about the official French Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) investigation. However, we’re still starting from a low baseline here. Yes, France does investigate UAPs, but the stigma remains strong. You won’t hear UAP uttered by any government officials of stature. That’s despite the fact France has a long history with the phenomenon, including incidents involving nuclear assets and military forces.
Why I Am Launching A New Transparent UAP Research Database
During the last year, we saw great progress made on the legislative front in the passage of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Office included in the NDAA for 2022, which has now been signed by President Biden. It seems that members of Congress are finally taking the phenomenon seriously. In the coming year, it will be equally important to engage the wider scientific community.
Exclusive: Inside France’s UFO Investigation
My home country of France has been cited by former Senator Harry Reid as a nation looking into the phenomenon. It also happens to be the birthplace of the celebrated Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) researcher, Jacques Vallée.
Could The Pilots Of UAPs Really Be Walking Among Us?
As we continue walking down the disclosure path, could we soon be asking whether they’re not “out there” but “under our noses”, hence the theory of Cryptoterrestrials living below us?