Why Can’t Former CIA Officials Stop Talking About UFOs?
Written by Christopher Sharp - 2 February 2022
Jim Semivan, John Ramirez, James Woolsey, and John Brennan have all made startling comments in recent months.
It’s understandable how pilots may suffer physical effects from UAP encounters, but how are intelligence personnel gaining such proximity to UAP?
Garry Nolan claims the CIA approached him to undertake medical analysis relating to individuals who claimed they had got too close to UAP.
John Ramirez claims that the Russians (in the 1990s) detected an unusual craft over the Arctic Circle region, which triggered its strategic rocket forces to go into high alert.
Ramirez also suggested the Russians were detected (by the CIA) trying to lure UAP.
Despite the apparent interest, both Jim Semivan and Ramirez claim there is no CIA UAP Office, from their understanding.
Former CIA Director John Brennan - Credit Wikipedia
Is it a coincidence that some of the most mind-blowing comments about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) come from former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials?
Jim Semivan, John Ramirez, James Woolsey, and John Brennan have all made startling comments in recent months.
Brennan, a former CIA Director, even said something close to disclosure when asked what the most likely hypothesis for UAP is, commenting:
“I think it’s presumptuous, if not arrogant, to believe there is no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe. What that might be is subject to a lot of different views.
But I think some of the phenomena we may be seeing continues to be unexplained and might be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.”
So, why does such a strong apparent link exist between the agency and the phenomena?
There is no known office that deals with UAP, and yet former officials are talking. In fact, they’re talking a lot.
The Experiencers
John Ramirez appearing on the Witness Citizen Podcast
In the cases of Semivan and Ramirez, both claim to have had close encounters with the phenomena.
According to Semivan, his encounter (which involved him and his wife) may have gone beyond mere experience and involved physical health consequences.
On 30 January 2022, Semivan (a former CIA Operations Officer) and To The Stars Co-Founder, appeared on Coast to the Coast with investigative journalist, George Knapp.
In that interview he stated the following about his experience, which occurred in the early 1990s:
“I generally don’t like to discuss it. There are a couple of reasons for it. One of them is that my wife and I are still being studied /looked at….
…It was an experience that happened to us while we were in our bedroom, middle of the night kind of thing, beings showed up.
It was upsetting, not when it happened, but later on - because there were physical things that happened to my wife, which was very upsetting, and to me, which was less upsetting, and we have documentation for all of that.”
And the CIA seems to be playing an active role in studying the biological effects of UAP too, perhaps involving its own employees, such as Semivan.
In a recent interview, Stanford University scientist Garry Nolan remarked that (at the request of the CIA) he helped undertake medical analysis relating to individuals who claimed they had got too close to UAP.
Such incidents involved Pentagon personnel, including pilots and intelligence personnel.
It is understandable how pilots may get too close to UAP.
But how are intelligence personnel getting so close to UAP?
This is especially confusing when the CIA (from our understanding) doesn’t specifically deal with the phenomena itself.
A former Intelligence Analyst in the Marine Corps, who goes by the pseudonym Bob Plissken, has suggested to Liberation Times that CIA personnel are curious minds, trained observers, and ask questions when an anomalous observation is made in their profession. These traits will be present in their private lives as well, potentially making it more likely to be cognizant of UAP or other phenomena due to a heightened awareness of nuances in their environment.
That may explain why the CIA attracts talent that is interested and even attracts UAP.
However, officially the connection between CIA and the phenomena is shrouded in some mystery.
Is There A CIA UAP Office?
Jim Semivan - Credit Dr Brian Keating and Curt Jaimungal
When asked by George Knapp whether there is a UAP office within the CIA, Semivan answered no, at least not to his best knowledge.
Semivan stated:
“Things like UFOs…there’s no place I know of at the CIA dealing with UFOs or the phenomena - there was the place where Kit Green worked, the weird desk.
But that dealt with not only UFOs but the paranormal in general…..and everyone was trying to figure out where the headquarters were where you can find the information on UFOs but I don’t think anyone was very successful, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.”
Despite no official connection between the CIA and UAP (although Nolan claims the CIA approached him), incidents involving UAP have allegedly been detected by the agency.
Following Semivan’s Coast To Coast appearance was John Ramirez, a retired CIA officer who reached GS-15 level.
Ramirez too claims that there is (from his understanding) no official office within the CIA that deals with UAP.
However, unlike Semivan, Ramirez did have formal experiences with UAP whilst working at the agency.
The CIA Studied Russian UAP Incidents
The above video is a fictional short film based on a Russian drone encounter with UAP.
Speaking with Knapp, Ramirez recollected strange incidents that would occur in Russia.
It was Ramirez’s job to monitor the military readiness of Russian forces. His role specifically dealt with ballistic missile defense.
On one occasion in the 1990s, he found that the Russians had detected an unusual craft over the Arctic Circle region, which triggered its strategic rocket forces to go into high alert.
This was a major event and was picked up by Ramirez, who specialized in the Russian Daryal Radar System, who was an analyst in the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research at the time.
Such was the incident’s significance, Ramirez was asked to write a memo for then U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, John Deutch, who served under President Bill Clinton.
UAP or not, one can expect the Pentagon to be interested in any event which had triggered Russian forces into high alert, especially since the origin of such a craft was apparently not American.
Ramirez has also recounted an occurrence, which he cannot talk about, regarding another incident over Russia.
To explain what happened, Ramirez cited a former Russian Major General, who has stated on the record that the Russian government knew about UAP and wanted to “lure” craft down.
According to the retired General, the Russians used laser pointers attached to a telescope and radar stations.
Ramirez happened to be responsible for analyzing the radar system used by one of those stations involved in the event.
The CIA’s Life Science Division Studied UAP
Speaking with George Knapp, Ramirez cited CIA historian, Gerald Haines, who wrote about the CIA’s known involvement with UAP research from 1947 to 1990.
Haines wrote that the Office Of Scientific Intelligence studied UAP, a portfolio that sat specifically within the Life Science Division.
That Division included medical specialists - suggesting personnel did not study any retrieved craft that may exist.
Perhaps such an Office exists to this day, especially since (from Nolan’s account), the CIA is interested in the biological effects of UAP.
We could speculate that the CIA would take interest in rumored crash retrievals, which may be responsible for potential health issues experienced by its personnel.
And Garry Nolan did suggest that the CIA also provided him with materials from alleged UAP to study.
Is The CIA Involved In UAP Crash Retrievals?
Coincidentally Ramirez served within the Directorate of Science and Technology, a potential place to study any retrieved UAP craft.
One could imagine back-engineering efforts being located within the United States Air Force’s Wright Patterson base.
However, the CIA could take an active role in recovery efforts.
Cue an event that happened in the Cold War years.
In 1974, the CIA launched a project to recover a sunken Soviet submarine named K-129 from the Pacific Ocean.
Named Project Azorian, the CIA designed a purpose-built recovery ship with a lifting cradle to salvage the submarine.
The mission was mostly successful, although two-thirds of the submarine broke off during the recovery effort. However, valuable codebooks and other materials of apparent interest were retrieved according to some accounts.
One could imagine the CIA undertaking any potential (and alleged) UAP recovery missions, some of which may have occurred overseas, making it more likely to fall within the CIA’s remit.
This could be a possible explanation for intelligence personnel (if Garry Nolan is referencing CIA officials), coming into contact with UAP and encountering hazardous health impacts.
A Need To Know
Investigating and perhaps reverse-engineering UAP would certainly fit within the CIA’s vision. That is especially true of UAP that may originate from adversaries.
Here is what the CIA states on its own website:
‘Our vision is for CIA’s information, insights, and actions to consistently provide tactical and strategic advantage for the United States.’
So, could the CIA be providing tactical and strategic advantage to the U.S. by devoting a mission to investigate, study and exploit ET technology that could be hundreds of years more advanced?
Frustratingly, we can only speculate that UAP (of non-human origin) crash retrievals have occurred.
Not one CIA official (who has spoken out so far) can claim the agency even has a UAP Office.
However, for some reason, former senior CIA officials are speaking out.
Which begs the question: where is this process leading us?
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