Exclusive: UFO Seen By Multiple Flights Over The Skies Of Oklahoma In October 2022 Left Flight Crew “Scared Speechless” And “Shocked”
Written by Christopher Sharp - 1 November 2022
The newest reported incident involving multiple commercial aircraft and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena occurred on 2 October 2022.
Pilots described a very bright light which repeatedly disappeared before reappearing.
The incident, which occurred over the skies of Oklahoma left an experienced crew member feeling “scared speechless”.
Incident follows a newly uncovered trend of UAP incidents encountered by commercial aircraft.
Ben Hanson: "It's very concerning that most of these UAP incidents are reported and then end with nothing more than a few casual alerts and joking commentary by pilots and controllers.”
Ryan Graves: “Airlines shouldn’t wait until there is settled science on the origin of any particular UAP case. There are prudent data collection and safety measures that can be implemented now to alleviate aircrew uncertainty.”
FAA statement to Liberation Times: “If the pilot report can be corroborated with supporting information such as radar data, it is shared with the UAP Task Force. The FAA collaborates with other government agencies such as the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on UAP.”
This article is accompanied with a newly released video by former FBI special agent and Discovery+ host, Ben Hansen, who has obtained the associated flight recordings.
A newly uncovered incident involving multiple commercial airlines and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) over the skies of Oklahoma on 2 October 2022, caused the crew on board one flight to feel “scared speechless” and “shocked”.
The incident occurred in the early morning hours and in recordings obtained by FBI special agent and Discovery+ host Ben Hansen, a Delta flight can be heard speaking to Kansas City Air Traffic Control (ATC), stating:
“I could just see a really bright light and then it fades and then it comes back and then it fades and it’s been going on for 15 minutes, so we’re not sure if it’s traffic or not.”
The American Airlines flight can be heard responding, “alright, then we’re not crazy then, I think,” before suggesting the UAP could relate to potential military activity at Warrensburg, Missouri, the location of Whiteman Air Force Base, where nuclear weapons are stored.
However, that theory is ruled out by ATC, who state Warrensburg would be at the pilot’s 5 o’clock, not 10 o’clock, where the UAP could be seen.
The UAP is described by the Delta flight as not moving suggesting the light was following its direction, commenting to ATC:
“It’s always at 10 o’clock and it hasn’t moved. I can’t tell you distance but it gets really bright and dims out to nothing.”
The UAP appeared to be to the north of aircraft reporting the light, meaning it may have been over the Kansas area, across its nearby state border with Oklahoma. ATC could not identify the UAP, and one flight crew also reported it to be “a lot higher”, perhaps out of Air Traffic radar range.
ATC can be heard telling the Delta flight that there is an Airbus 320 80 miles away at 10 o’clock, but the Delta pilot appeared to rule this out, responding:
“Unless they’re doing 360s with their lights on, I don’t know what else it is.”
A flight attendant serving on board one nearby aircraft was in the cockpit as the events unfolded. The person speaking on condition of anonymity told Liberation Times:
“The flight officer who responded to the transmission over the radio just repeated what Air Traffic Control told him, “please be on the lookout for any strange activity you see in the area, and if so report back to us. We’ve gotten dispatched from several pilots about UFO-like objects flying around in the surrounding areas.”
“The flight officer responded “copy” once the pilot came back from his break the flight officer repeated the transmission, the pilot kind of disregarded the message so I asked “do you believe in that type of thing?” He replied that he did not, I asked the flight officer the same, and he replied: “yea, there’s definitely something else out here with us, plenty of pilots have witnessed it and I come from a military background so I’ve always known about it.”
The flight attendant told Liberation Times that she felt scared during the flight, due to what she had heard, commenting:
“The entire situation had me very uncomfortable because I’d never heard anyone in the industry ever mention it. I am one of those flight attendants that can handle everything, I love turbulence and I never crack under pressure but that experience left me speechless.
“Because for the first time in my 14 years of flying I was faced with the fact that we are sharing airspace with an unidentified object flying around us. Not gonna lie, I was scared and speechless.”
The flight attendant relayed the information to other flight attendants, who she describes as being shocked:
“I told the other crew members with whom I was flying what happened all of which were brand new flight attendants having only been there less than six months. They all looked shocked and began asking me questions since I was the more senior.”
Speaking about the flight recordings and statements made by the flight attendant, Ben Hansen told Liberation Times:
"Even while setting aside the topic of extraterrestrials, we live in a very dangerous world with political adversaries that would love to fly freely above our airspaces to collect information or launch attacks.
"It's very concerning that most of these UAP incidents are reported and then end with nothing more than a few casual alerts and joking commentary by pilots and controllers.
“I expect more from those in charge of managing and defending our airspace. Due diligence should entail investigating until a reasonable explanation is found; or alternatively, a detailed response plan is implemented for those incidents that cannot be resolved."
Ben Hansen, whose YouTube channel you can subscribe to here
This latest encounter is just one of a number of recent incidents reported by Ben Hansen, and follows a Senate Intelligence report, which stated that ‘transmedium threats to United States national security are expanding exponentially.’
The UAP Preliminary Assessment of June 2021 stated that ‘UAP threaten flight safety and, possibly, national security,’ following 11 near misses between naval aviators and unknown objects. However, the report only addressed military flight safety, not commercial flight safety, which could jeopardise the security of passengers and flight crew.
Ryan Graves, a former naval aviator, who co-chairs the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Community of Interest, spoke to Liberation Times on the topic of addressing flight safety on commercial flights. Graves commented:
“Airlines shouldn’t wait until there is settled science on the origin of any particular UAP case. There are prudent data collection and safety measures that can be implemented now to alleviate aircrew uncertainty.
“The AIAA UAP Community of Interest is bringing together aviation safety subject matter experts to help enable safety policy changes within the appropriate agencies with data and facts."
Ryan Graves, who recently appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience
Liberation Times has contacted American Airlines, to ask whether the airliner perceived UAP as a flight risk and if the company encourages pilots to report incidents. No comment has been received.
Speaking to Liberation Times, one former Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) official confirmed that UAP has historically been detected by the FAA, stating:
“Radar has occasionally shown objects without transponder ID roaring across the sky. Sometimes these objects would pivot, go up, and out of detection range.”
When asked to comment on recent flight encounters between commercial aircraft and UAP, the FAA confirmed that information has been shared with the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) and that it collaborates with both the Department of Defense (DoD) and NASA. An FAA spokesman told Liberation Times:
“The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) documents UAP sightings whenever a pilot reports one to an air traffic control facility.
“If the pilot report can be corroborated with supporting information such as radar data, it is shared with the UAP Task Force. The FAA collaborates with other government agencies such as the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on UAP.
“The DoD's newly established All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) serves as the government’s centralized clearing house for UAP reporting impacting national security or safety.
“NASA recently announced a team, of which the FAA is a part, to study UAP.”
Two FAA representatives currently serve on NASA’s UAP study team. They are:
Warren Randolph: the deputy executive director of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Accident Investigation and Prevention for Aviation Safety department.
Karlin Toner: the acting executive director of the FAA’s Office of Aviation Policy and Plans.
Despite two representatives investigating UAP, as part of a NASA team, Liberation Times understands that there is rarely any follow through following reports of UAP from pilots. This is despite reports of Chinese drones and truly unexplained craft that seem to demonstrate extraordinary abilities being reported by intelligence sources as flying over American airspace.
This news comes as a new UAP report is expected to be released this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The signs so far point towards a civil war within the intelligence community and Pentagon relating to the nature of the phenomena and what information to release.
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