Exclusive: More UFO Hearings Are Coming As Whistleblowers Are Called Forward And Legacy Programs Are Verified By Congress
Written by Christopher Sharp - 14 October 2022
Some insiders have told Liberation Times that new UAP whistleblower language could be signed into law “in weeks” and after upcoming midterm elections.
Corbell comments: “The Silver Bullet is coming.”
Once National Defense Authorization Act 2023 becomes law, it is expected that public Congressional hearings will take place, and whistleblowers have already been requested to testify.
It has also been confirmed by multiple sources that information relating to alleged secretive UAP retrieval and reverse-engineering programs has now been verified by Congress.
There is now some urgency from Congress to provide transparency and some insiders hope that any released information can potentially bring people together at a time when the likelihood of nuclear conflict has risen.
The threat of nuclear conflict has escalated in recent weeks
Liberation Times has learned that new public Congressional Unidentified Aerospace-undersea Phenomena (UAP) hearings can be expected once National Defense Authorization Act 2023 (NDAA) UAP language is signed into law.
As reported by Dean Johnson, Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) 2023 language is now wrapped up within the NDAA and includes important whistleblower protections.
Sources have told Liberation Times that the NDAA could be passed “in weeks”, after upcoming midterm elections in November. Although it is cautioned that there are no certainties with regard to the exact timeline due to political divisions, changes in political composition following midterms and the Ukranian situation.
However, sources have stated that public hearings can be expected after the NDAA is signed into law and that whistleblowers have already been contacted to speak before Congress. Liberation Times understands that the best-case scenario could see such hearings occur before Christmas.
There has been some doubt whether any whistleblowers testifying could back-up their claims. However, Liberation Times understands from multiple political and defense sources that a substantial amount of information involving secretive UAP retrieval and back-engineering programs has been verified by Congress.
Speaking to Liberation Times, journalist and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell commented:
"Regarding the mystery of UFOs, the Silver Bullet is coming. The moment it is understood by the public that not only have we obtained spacecraft - fabricated by a non-human intelligence - but that we have also been attempting to reverse engineer that technology for decades… Pandora's box is finally open.
“This new legislation to provide amnesty and immunity for those involved in these programs to come forward is a potential game changer. I have personally spoken with numerous individuals who have had roles in these legacy UFO exploitation programs.
There have also been reports of a major pushback within some quarters of the DoD, from those who are against whistleblowers speaking out and further information being made public. Although it now looks like a chain of events has now been put into motion, which may lead to a flurry of information coming forwards.
Regarding reprisals, Corbell commented:
“The fear has always been reprisal, and that fear has always been justified. Pushback has occurred against these people as recently as this year. And as has been predicted - the closer the public gets to the good stuff - the more the pushback has increased. make no mistake... the world is creaking under the stress and the weight of the UFO reality. And now we have an opportunity for this truth to be revealed, and our society will forever be changed by it."
With such information now verified and ongoing frustrations with the UAP All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), there is thought to be urgency from Congress to make more information public and answer ongoing questions relating to the origin and operators of unidentified craft at a time when reports have escalated since 2021.
In July 2022, one Department of Defense (DoD) insider told Liberation Times that verifiable information had been given:
“Laws are not written in a vacuum. Behind closed doors, lawmakers have met with current and former government insiders who have provided multi-source and verifiable information that has shaped the language we are seeing today.
“The wording is very specific, and many who are aware of the history of this subject will immediately understand why January 1, 1947, is the date to which the Comptroller General must use as “day one” of their compiled intelligence review and report that is due to Congress.”
At that time Vice Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Marco Rubio, commented on the importance of the IAA (containing whistleblower immunity language), stating:
‘This years Senate’s Intelligence Reauthorization was approved unanimously and is the most consequential one ever offered.’
Investigative reporter, George Knapp, has also commented on the topic of verifiable information provided to Congress. On a recent episode on Coast to Coast AM, he commented:
“It’s clear that somebody has been sharing information with them. I can tell for sure that there are people who have met with them and have told them not only that there are these legacy programs that have materials, and by materials I don’t mean just scraps of metal from the ground, but intact craft, remains - physical remains - of beings.
“Those stories have been floating around for a long time. I know that there are a couple of people in particular who know about this stuff, down to the point of the buildings where this stuff is stashed, who are willing to come forward if they are protected. And now this legislation indicates they will be protected as whistleblowers, that their security clearances will not be revoked, and it’s pretty exciting.”
It is understood that there are people within the DoD and Intelligence Community urging that the process of dissemination be accelerated due to escalating tensions between the U.S. and Russia. Such people point to Ronald Reagan’s historic speech when he stated that an alien threat could bring nations together.
When NDAA language is signed into law, a flurry of activity can be expected relating to the UAP issue once whistleblowers are satisfied that they have protections.