Let’s Engage The UK Government On The Topic Of UAP

Photo by Eva Dang on Unsplash

Rumours are swirling that the UK government does not want to discuss the UAP topic and doesn’t want other nations to either.

Now is the time to engage with UK defence and political stakeholders.

The Questions We Must Ask:

  • Why is there a disparity between the UK and its greatest ally when it comes to the topic of UAP?

  • Why are ‘UFOs’ not considered a threat by the UK, when their origin is unknown?

  • Has intelligence regarding UAP been shared with the UK from the U.S. government’s UAP Task Force or through the Five Eyes alliance - if so, does the UK government’s assessment differ from the U.S. assessment?

Key Messages:

  • The UK government must undertake a formal assessment of UAP and provide both a classified and unclassified version of such an assessment - the unclassified version must be available for public consumption

  • A formal UAP Office must be re-established, especially at a time when Chinese and Russian craft may be misidentified as UAP

  • The UK should cooperate fully with the U.S. and other foreign governments on the subject of UAP

  • The UK must act with full transparency on the topic of UAP - something which is crucial for any healthy functioning democracy

  • Politicians must demand answers from the Ministry of Defence, as their American counterparts have done with their Department of Defense

  • The UK government must join the UAP discussion as a matter of urgency, as the U.S. is on the brink of establishing a permanent UAP Office.

To help you engage, Liberation Times has provided an extensive list of stakeholders’ email addresses and Twitter handles. Note, you may want to provide a link to the UAPTF report whilst engaging - it can be found by clicking here.

You do not have to be a UK citizen to engage - we welcome support from everyone on #UFOTwitter and beyond.

Twitter Bundles

  • Defence Officials / Organisations: @DefenceHQ @DefenceHQPress @ArmyCGS @RoyalNavy @FirstSeaLord @RoyalAirForce @ChiefofAirStaff @UKSpaceCmd @UKStratCom @DefenceOps @RobinWGrimes

  • Defence Secretary and Ministers: @BWallaceMP @JSHeappey @LeoDochertyUK

  • Defence Committee: @CommonsDefence @Tobias_Ellwood @KevanJonesMP @GRobinsonDUP @DerekTwiggMP @MartinJDocherty @EmmaLewellBuck @spellar

  • Intelligence and Security Committee: @DianaJohnsonMP @KevanJonesMP

  • Key Cabinet Members (Except Ben Wallace): @BorisJohnson @DominicRaab @RishiSunak @trussliz @pritipatel @KwasiKwarteng @AlokSharma_RDG @grantshapps

  • Shadow Cabinet: @Keir_Starmer @JohnHealey_MP

Use the Twitter bundles to ask questions and send messages to UK stakeholders.

When UAP news breaks, make sure these stakeholders are tagged on Twitter. We must ensure our presence is felt online.

Above all else, we must be respectful - not judgemental. Do encourage. Do Not discourage.

Our more extensive list, including email addresses and titles can be found below.

Defence Officials / Organisations

  • Ministry of Defence

    Twitter: @DefenceHQ and @DefenceHQPress

    Email: parlibranch-treat-official@mod.gov.uk (for Ministerial correspondence)

  • General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith KCB CBE ADC Gen. Chief of the General Staff

    Twitter: @ArmyCGS

  • Royal Navy

    Twitter: @RoyalNavy

    Email: news@royalnavymail.mod.uk (media and communications team)

  • Admiral Sir Ben Key KCB CBE ADC, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff

    Twitter: @FirstSeaLord

  • Royal Air Force

    Twitter: @RoyalAirForce

  • Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston. Chief of the Air Staff

    Twitter: @ChiefofAirStaff

  • UK Space Command

    Twitter: @UKSpaceCmd

  • Strategic Command

    Twitter: @UKStratCom

  • Permanent Joint Headquarters

    Twitter: @DefenceOps

  • Robin Grimes - Chief Scientific Advisor (Nuclear)

    Twitter: @RobinWGrimes


Note, all Secretaries of State and Ministers belong to the ruling Conservative party.

  • Defence Secretary, Rt Hon Ben Wallace MP

    Twitter: @BWallaceMP

    Email: wallaceb@parliament.uk

  • Defence Ministers

    Twitter Handles

    @JSHeappey (James Heappey MP)

    @LeoDochertyUK (Leo Docherty MP)


    contactholmember@parliament.uk (Baroness Goldie)

    jeremy.quin.mp@parliament.uk (Jeremy Quinn MP)

    james.heappey.mp@parliament.uk (James Heappey MP)

    leo.docherty.mp@parliament.uk (Leo Docherty MP)

  • Defence Committee

    Twitter: @CommonsDefence

    Defence Committee Members’ Twitter Handles

    @Tobias_Ellwood (Rt Hon Tobias Ellwood MP - Conservative - Chair)

    @KevanJonesMP (Rt Hon Kevan Jones MP - Labour)

    @GRobinsonDUP (Gavin Robinson - DUP)

    @DerekTwiggMP (Derek Twigg MP - Labour)

    @MartinJDocherty (Martin Docherty-Hughes - SNP)

    @EmmaLewellBuck (Emma Lewell Buck MP - Labour)

    @spellar (John Spellar MP - Labour)

    Defence Committee Members’ Emails

    tobias.ellwood.mp@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Tobias Ellwood MP - Conservative - Chair)

    sarah.atherton.mp@parliament.uk (Sarah Atherton MP - Conservative)

    richard.drax.mp@parliament.uk (Richard Drax MP - Conservative)

    kevanjonesmp@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Kevan Jones MP - Labour)

    gavin.robinson.mp@parliament.uk (Gavin Robinson MP - DUP)

    derek.twigg.mp@parliament.uk (Derek Twigg MP - Labour)

    stuart.anderson.mp@parliament.uk (Stuart Anderson MP - Conservative)

    martin.docherty.mp@parliament.uk (Martin Docherty-Hughes MP - SNP)

    mark.francois.mp@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Mark Francois MP - Conservative)

    emma.lewell-buck.mp@parliament.uk (Emma Lewell Buck MP - Labour)

    john.spellar.mp@parliament.uk (John Spellar MP - Labour)

  • Intelligence and Security Committee

    Twitter Handles

    @DianaJohnsonMP (Rt Hon Dame Diana Johnson DBE MP)

    @KevanJonesMP (Rt Hon Kevan Jones MP)


    Rt Hon Dr Julian Lewis MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA (Rt Hon Dr Julian Lewis MP - Chair - Conservative) Note, he famously has a no email policy

    hayesj@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Sir John Hayes CBE MP - Conservative)

    hosies@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Stewart Hosies MP - SNP)

    johnsond@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Dame Diana Johnson DBE MP - Labour)

    kevanjonesmp@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Kevan Jones MP - Labour)

    pritchardm@parliament.uk (Rt Hon Mark Pritchard MP - Conservative)

    bob.stewart.mp@parliament.uk (Colonel Rt Hon Bob Stewart DSO MP - Conservative)

    theresa@theresavilliers.co.uk (Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP - Conservative)

    westaa@parliament.uk (Admiral Rt Hon Lord West of Spithead GCB DSC PC - Labour)

    Key Cabinet Members (Except Ben Wallace)

    Twitter Handles:

    @BorisJohnson (Prime Minister - Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP)

    @DominicRaab (Deputy Prime Minister - Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP)

    @RishiSunak (Chancellor of the Exchequer - Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP)

    @trussliz (Foreign Secretary - Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP)

    @pritipatel (Home Secretary - Rt Hon Priti Patel MP)

    @KwasiKwarteng (Secretary of State for Energy - Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP)

    @AlokSharma_RDG (COP 26 President - Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP)

    @grantshapps (Transport Secretary - Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP)


    Contact Number 10 (no10.gov.uk) (Prime Minister - Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP) Note - this links through to a contact form

    dominic.raab.mp@parliament.uk (Deputy Prime Minister - Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP)

    rishi.sunak.mp@parliament.uk (Chancellor of the Exchequer - Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP)

    elizabeth.truss.mp@parliament.uk or fcdo.correspondence@fcdo.gov.uk (Foreign Secretary - Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP)

    withammp@parliament.uk (Home Secretary - Rt Hon Priti Patel MP)

    stephen.barclay.mp@parliament.uk (Cabinet Secretary - Rt Hon Stephen Barclay MP)

    kwasi.kwarteng.mp@parliament.uk (Secretary of State for Energy - Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP)

    alok.sharma.mp@parliament.uk (COP 26 President - Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP)

    shappsg@parliament.uk (Transport Secretary - Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP)

    Shadow Cabinet

    Twitter Handles:

    @Keir_Starmer (Sir Keir Starmer MP - Labour Leader of Opposition)

    @JohnHealey_MP (John Healey MP - Labour Shadow Defence Secretary)


    keir.starmer.mp@parliament.uk (Sir Keir Starmer MP - Labour Leader of Opposition)

    john.healey.mp@parliament.uk (John Healey MP - Labour Shadow Defence Secretary)


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