The Major Takeaways From "Our Future in Space" Forum

Avril Haines with host David Ignatius of the Washington Post

Excitement has been building for weeks about “Our Future in Space”, a forum held at Washington National Cathedral.

The forum promised to discuss the topic of extraterrestrial life, space travel and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), which is a hot topic following June’s UAPTF report released by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence.

First, it was announced that NASA administrator Bill Nelson and Harvard Astronomer Avi Loeb would attend, both proponents of studying UAP.

Then it was announced that Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, would herself participate in the forum. Haines is a very senior figure within the government - it is virtually unprecedented for an active official of her calibre to speak about UAP in such a setting,

Following the news of Senator Gillibrand’s significant UAP Amendment to NDAA 2022, the stage was ripe to witness a step change from the U.S. government.

But just as we couldn’t get more excited - it was announced that the world’s second richest man and space entrepreneur Jeff Bezos would also participate in the discussion. Such a high profile figure can bring headlines to such events and provide money to the cause of studying UAP, perhaps even contributing towards Avi Loeb’s Galileo Project.

Just before the event, Bill Nelson blamed Bezos’ Blue Origins lawsuit for delaying NASA’s trip back to the Moon. Bridges obviously need to be rebuilt. Notably, Nelson didn’t attend in person, avoiding an awkward situation.

And then we have the participation of David Wilkinson, a theologian and astrophysicist - get used to such figures joining the UAP discussion. If disclosure of non human intelligence is happening, then the likes of Wilkinson will play a big role, helping religions and the public digest the surreal news, whilst a new paradigm emerges.

The setting of this event was important. Washington National Cathedral isn’t just a house of worship. It has played a central role in presidential inaugurations and state funerals. Most recently, the funeral of former secretary of state, Colin Powell, was held there.

If this is a key milestone in the disclosure process, then this may be a fitting setting.

Below are the key takeaways from the event:

We Don’t Understand Everything We’re Seeing According To Haines

In Haines’ words, that is the “bottom line”, reflecting on the UAPTF report.

She added:

“We were pretty sure that we were not going to get to characterise every single one of these reports in the various categories that we identified, because frankly we weren’t able to understand everything about it. A large portion of that is based on the fact that we don’t have a consistent way of reporting this information - we need to integrate a lot of data that we get.

We need to get better at collecting information that’s useful to us from different sensors that are available to us, and we need to deepen our analysis in these areas, and that’s something that doesn’t surprise you in the way that we approach our intelligence work.”

She further identified counterintelligence operations and flight safety as major concerns in respect to UAP.

What Haines says here may perhaps echo frustrations voiced by Chris Mellon, regarding the way data is collected. Furthermore, Mellon has spoken about using artificial intelligence to analysise UAP information, which is perhaps what Haines meant when saying “deepen our analysis.” This could possibly mean that Mellon and Haines think alike, but at this stage that is speculation.

It is hoped that Gillibrand’s comprehensive amendment involving a permanent UFO Office (if passed) may remedy the issues referenced by Haines and Mellon.

Haines Opens Door To UAP Potentially Representing Extraterrestrial Origin

Haines further went on to say:

“Of course always there’s also the question of 'is there something else that we do not understand, which might come extraterrestrially.”

This is potentially bombshell language for a serving government intelligence official. Language matters, especially when one works in intelligence.

Haines in fact stumbled over the words “extraterrestrially”, perhaps realising the enormity of the door she was opening.

We would caution that this is just our editorial opinion. But her language does suggest that such craft may not reflect Chinese or Russian technology.

Someone of Haines’ stature does not use the word ‘extraterrestrial’ lightly in our opinion, especially due to the stigma which has surrounded the topic.

Of course, Haines was using the word in a hypothetical sense. But regardless, she did use it. And it does suggest the DNI could be considering the ET hypothesis.

Haines later said that we may have to wait for Bill Nelson’s science work to open the door up to some of the other possibilities. This was perhaps in reference to the James Webb telescope, which Nelson had mentioned earlier.

Note that ex CIA official John Ramirez has previously suggested something may be found by the James Webb telescope after it launches. According to Ramirez, the upcoming launch and activation of the telescope could trigger new revelations: according to Ramirez ‘they’ may “have to look at some place in space and then there will be some kind of reveal”.

Nelson Says The Coolest Parts Of NASA Are Classified

Interestingly but not surprisingly the “coolest parts about NASA” are classified. However, Nelson did point to a new mission named Dart, which is comparable to the Armageddon movie, as it will involve hitting an asteroid with a probe, possibly moving it. If it works, then it could mean a probe being sent to stop an asteroid from hitting Earth.

Meanwhile, Haines said she couldn’t say what the coolest stuff was within the intelligence community, as it would get her fired. She did however encourage people to join the intelligence community, so they could get their clearances and see the cool stuff.

Bill Nelson Said We’re In This Together

Perhaps echoing what Lue Elizondo has said - he remarked that when out in space, he looked down onto the Earth and saw no religious, racial or political divisions, and that “we’re all in this together”.

One may remember Elizondo using similar language when describing how non human intelligence may view Earth without borders.

Nelson Believes There Is Other Life In The Universe

Bill Nelson referenced the immense size of the universe, remarking, “who am I to limit life right here?” Later on he said, “do I think there’s life out there? Yes”

Avril Haines Thinks We Will See A Lot Of Changes In The Future

When discussing how fast we are advancing here on Earth and in space, Haines said that we “will see a lot of changes in the future.”

Lue Elizondo has previously remarked that we may take a huge leap forward in technology by studying UAP together with other countries. It may be unlikely Haines was referencing this approach though.

Would Bill Nelson Welcome Joint Space Missions With China?

He used previous and ongoing cooperation with Russia as an example of cooperation in space and how it can bring people and nations together.

Unlike Russia, Nelson said that China has been non-cooperative in space. He went on to state that we could have some trouble with China in this domain.

Jeff Bezos Wants To Move Heavy Industry Off-World And Build Space Colonies

According to Bezos, moving heavy industry off-world can help save the Earth’s environment, rebutting recent criticism regarding his space programme. He added that Earth only had a limited amount of resources for energy, and that solar farms in space could provide massive amounts of energy.

Bezos also supports man-made space colonies, which could perhaps be populated by a million people each. These colonies could have rivers and wildlife, whilst utilising artificial gravity.

This may be in opposition to Elon Musk’s belief that Mars should be colonised.

Bezos Believes In ET Life But Doubts We Have Been Visited By “Extra Solar Intelligences”

Like his rival Elon Musk, he doesn’t believe that ET life could travel the immense distances to reach Earth. He also used the term “extra solar intelligences”.

Although Haines earlier opened up the possibility of UAP reflecting ET technology, Bezos doesn’t seem convinced.

David Wilkinson Said An Encounter With The “Other” May Tell Us Something About Ourselves

He further added that Christians shouldn’t be worried about meeting ET intelligence.

This is a matter of humility according to Wilkinson, which Christianity teaches us. He went onto say that science was a gift from God.

Does anyone remember Lue Elizondo commenting that he felt sombre learning what he knows?

According to Wilkinson, God loves all of his creation, including other life. He went on to say that “God’s interest is far more than human beings.”

However, Wilkinson doesn’t believe that we have been visited by ET. Perhaps new findings may add a sense of urgency to prepare for such an outcome. Despite this stance, he does remain open-minded and supports the Galileo Project.

Avi Loeb Suggests We May Have Been Created By An Advanced Scientific Civilization

He then reflected the Bible’s account that humans were created in the image of God. This is interesting, as hyrbidization is currently a hot topic on #UFOTwitter. Furthermore, older researches, including Timothy Good, argue that some ET intelligences look like us.

Avi Loeb Wants To Take High Resolution Images Of UAP To Find Out What They Are

To followers of Loeb, this is nothing new. For Loeb, this could perhaps rule out Chinese or Russian technology.

You can watch the forum in its entirety below.


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