Reverse Engineering UFOs and the Alien Reproduction Vehicles

Liberation Times Insight

Written by Condorman - 13 December 2024

There has been much discussion about the possible existence of a legacy Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) program that holds an inventory of retrieved UAP craft.

Such a program would be heavily involved in trying to reverse engineer the technologies that allow these vehicles to exhibit anomalous performance characteristics without discernible means of propulsion.

This article aims to explore how this process might work, the methods of testing involved, and the current status of such technology.

Reverse Engineering Process

Reverse engineering near-peer technologies is straightforward and methodical because we understand how the physics of the technology works, even if it’s more advanced than ours.

The method of disassembly, analysis, modeling, simulation, and prototype development has been in place since we began reverse engineering German technology after World War Two.

But this process will not work well if the underlying physics of the technology is not well understood, or not understood at all.

The process to reverse engineer an anomalous craft would begin with the materials it is made from.

Tools such as electron microscopes can be used to analyze its chemistry, makeup and construction, and map its composition. But once you move on to the mechanisms that power and control the vehicles, the task gets much harder.

Disassembly, which is the first step of the standard process, would be nearly impossible if we don’t understand what the mechanism is supposed to look like, or what it does.

Plus, the UAP is not likely to have bolted panels that can be removed, so cutting or other intrusive methods would have to be used at risk of damaging the craft.

With disassembly ruled out as the first step, less intrusive methods would come into play.

The craft would be subjected to external stimuli such as magnetic and electromagnetic fields of different frequencies, electricity, temperature variations, radiation, mechanical vibrations, pressure variations, and others to record its reactions.

The stimuli that led to reactions would then be further refined until exact interaction parameters were established. Different sections of the craft would be subjected to the selected stimuli to build a map of reactions and identify if different sections had different functions.

Once the map was built, an attempt could be made at intrusive disassembly.

For example, as part of the stimuli process we may discover that a section of the vehicle produces an inertial mass reduction on the entire vehicle when exposed to infrared radiation.

After the section is fully mapped, it can be surgically removed from the vehicle using a number of intrusive techniques such as lasers, waterjets, and other advanced cutting methods.

Once removed the section would be retested to ensure it was not broken in the removal.

So now what?

The next steps of the standard reverse engineering process are analysis, modeling, and simulation.

Analysis of the exposed section may yield new materials with special properties and/or physical devices and widgets.

With enough time, perhaps a rudimentary understanding of the basic functions could be surmised, but modeling and simulation would be a tough ask at this point since predicting what a gadget will do is not the same as knowing how it works.

But there is another way to move forward. Mimicry.

Mimicry involves the reproduction of the device.

We may not know how it works, but we know how it’s made and what it’s made of.

We can reproduce it to the best of our ability and test whether it still responds to the specific stimuli. And if it does, we have reached the prototyping stage.

Now that we have achieved working reproductions of UAP technology components, the next step is to test them on real flying vehicles known as Alien Reproduction Vehicles, or ARV’s.

Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs)

An ARV is an experimental vehicle designed to be a testbed for one or more UAP technology components or UTC.

The design of an ARV will vary greatly depending on the component(s) that it is testing, but it will always be able to fly on its own if the UTC’s fail or are turned off.

That means ARV’s tend to look more conventional than the UAP whose technology they are employing because they need to be able to at least limp along without it.

Is there evidence that ARV’s have flown and been seen?

I believe there is. The most obvious ARV I can think of is the vehicle captured in the Calvine photograph.

On August 4, 1990, two hikers photographed a diamond-shaped object in the sky near Calvine, Scotland.

They reported it hovered silently while a Harrier jet circled around it before rapidly ascending vertically and disappearing from view. The photograph is below.

I performed an analysis of the vehicle a couple of years ago when the image reappeared in the news and it is a great fit for a description of an ARV. As I mentioned earlier.

ARV’s are testbeds for UTC’s that need to be able to fly on their own without the assistance of the UTC’s. That means they need to employ some semblance of conventional technology to fly on their own.

The diamond design is particularly interesting. Diamond shapes were popular for stealth in the 1980’s, especially with Lockheed.

The image below shows the Lockheed Hopeless Diamond, one of the design predecessors of the F-117. If the ARV designers were trying to add stealth characteristics to their creation, the diamond shape was state of the art at the time.

The Calvine design is clearly thicker and less aerodynamic than the Hopeless Diamond.

I created a model of the photograph to see if anything popped out.

One interesting detail you can see below is a protrusion in the rear that resembles a nacelle, most likely a ducted fan typically used in airships.

The bulbous, diamond-shaped body and the ducted fan nacelle point to a hybrid airship with stealth characteristics.

This assertion is supported by the description stating that the vehicle was hovering silently.

A stealthy hybrid airship hovering silently in the sky using a ducted fan for altitude and speed control does not seem like much and could have been explained away as a high-altitude cold war ISR platform.

But the key to its true purpose is in the last part of the eyewitnesses’ description when they stated that the vehicle suddenly ascended rapidly and disappeared in the sky.

Airships don’t do that. And if this had been just an ISR airship it would not have remained secret and unexplained over the last 34 years.

My estimation is that this was an ARV designed to test a gravity manipulation UTC.

It was designed as a hybrid airship so it would not fall out of the sky if the gravity UTC failed.

And it was equipped with a ducted fan so it could return home under its own power if needed. What the witnesses saw was a test of the gravity UTC which caused the rapid ascension of the vehicle.

The fact that it was being escorted by a Harrier jet adds to the notion that this was a known vehicle to at least some faction of the military. It was not anomalous or unknown.

There have been other less well documented sightings that also fit the recipe for ARV’s.

I am always suspicious of large triangles being ARV’s because a triangle is an aerodynamic shape that can be flown without the aid of UTC’s if needed.

And thick large triangles could be partial or full hybrid airships similar to the Calvine vehicle.

In the mid 1980’s there were several sightings of large triangles in New York’s Hudson Valley.

A retired police officer described a huge, silent triangle, 100 yards from wingtip to wingtip, hovering low, which banked and made a 45-degree turn before abruptly speeding off. Sounds very similar to the performance displayed by the Calvine vehicle.

In 1989 another black triangle was spotted over the North Sea being escorted by two F-111s and a KC-135. See the rendition below.

Again, the fact that this vehicle had military escort means at least some faction of the military knew of its existence.

And then in 1990, two Belgian F-16 fighters attempted to intercept a similar black triangle over NATO airspace.

The triangle accelerated from 620 mph to 1100 mph within seconds and left them in the dust.

The large triangles are usually described with one common characteristic.

They have three bright lights at their vertices, sometimes described as searchlights, and sometimes also a red light in their center.

The position of the bright lights is shown below.

These lights are very likely based on UTC’s but the design offers an intriguing possibility.

The so-called searchlights are very similar in shape and size to the orbs and spheres that have been seen by our military since at least World War Two, when they were dubbed Foo Fighters.

Instead of UTC’s carved out of sections of recovered UAP, could these round lights be recovered intact orbs entrapped inside the ARV?

Orbs and spheres are the most common types of UAP reported.

The U.S. government's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), responsible for investigating UAP, revealed in its unclassified 2024 report that 22% of reported sightings involve orbs or spheres, as shown below.

This figure is notably consistent with the 25% reported in their 2023 findings.

Since they are the most common type of UAP, it follows that a legacy UAP program would have recovered several orbs and spheres.

These objects would have undergone the external stimuli process described earlier and the analysis may have yielded the specific stimuli to make these orbs ascend, accelerate, brake, and fly in any direction.

Because of their small size, it was likely not possible to map the sections of the orbs into separate mechanisms.

Therefore, the orbs would have to be tested as a whole and not disassembled.

An ARV would need to be designed and constructed for such a purpose.

Placing three orbs at the vertices of a large triangular hybrid airship would yield an aerodynamic and stealthy test vehicle that can also hover and fly on its own as necessary.

The bright lights seen by the eyewitnesses, which were described as searchlights, indicate that at least a partial section of the orbs is exposed as part of their placement of the vehicle.

A possible explanation is that the orbs emit intense radiation as part of the mechanism that controls their motion.

The part of the orb inside the ARV would be shielded to protect the ARV’s internal systems and pilots while the external section would be fully exposed to achieve the anomalous effects and performance - see below.

The reverse engineering process necessary for this kind of ARV would be simpler than the one I described earlier.

Instead of mapping subsections of more advanced vehicles and disassembling them, the stimuli process would be performed on the orb until the desired effects were reproduced.

The orbs would then be securely fitted to the ARV’s fuselage and shielded. The specific stimuli would then be applied to generate the movements and actions necessary to maneuver the vehicle.

This simpler design may have been part of the early generation of ARV’s and may account for many of the large triangle sightings that involve hovering as well as rapid acceleration and ascent.

Current State

With enough time, brainpower, computing power, perseverance, and luck, we may begin to understand more of the underlying physics.

ARV’s may evolve into true Alien Reproduction Vehicles and mimic the UAP craft in its entirety.

This may have already been accomplished in our present time.

Either way, a long-running legacy UAP program will almost certainly have built several ARV’s to test UTC’s and conduct research on the technology.

These ARV’s may have operational uses beyond research and testing.

However, the fact that the physics of the underlying technology has not been mastered means these vehicles are unreliable for wartime or other critical missions.

By employing reproductions of anomalous technology, there is a risk that the vehicles could be commandeered by our adversaries if they develop a better understanding of the technology than we have.

Say, for example, that some of the technology is controlled via consciousness, as some have suggested, and an adversary with their own UAP program perfects the process before we do.

This adversary could then gain control of our ARV’s and use them against us.

There is also the matter of the original builders.

The NHI responsible for building UAP may decide it wants its designs back.

Because we don’t know how some of it works, the is a good chance that the builders can press their technology back into their service at any time.

This is the answer to the question, ‘Why are we wasting money on stealth jet fighters and bombers if we have UAP tech?’

Because we don't fully comprehend how UAP technology works and are afraid we may lose control of it in critical circumstances.

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