Daniel Sheehan Exposes Five Powerful Republicans Blocking UFO Disclosure Act, As The Clock Ticks Down

Written by Christopher Sharp - 3 December 2023

In a Liberation Times interview, ex-Watergate and Pentagon Papers lawyer Daniel Sheehan, representing whistleblowers alleging hidden and potentially unlawful programs involving materials of non-human origin, warned that the window is closing to preserve the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) language in the U.S. Senate's 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The language, known as the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023, put forth by Senate leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Mike Rounds, advocates for a controlled disclosure regarding the potential existence of materials and biologics with unknown or non-human origins.

Currently, lawmakers from the House and Senate are negotiating the final version of the NDAA to be signed by President Biden. Negotiators have been working for months and hope to release the text of a final bill as soon as next week. 

Sheehan is President of the New Paradigm Institute, an organisation advocating for the UAP Disclosure Act to pass in its current form, and is closely involved with negotiations currently taking place, which will determine its inclusion within the final NDAA. 

Sheehan informed Liberation Times that Senator Roger Wicker, the Republican ranking member of the Senate's Armed Services Committee, is the latest politician to join a small cohort of Republicans in opposition to the UAP Disclosure Act.

“They’ve brought on this guy, Roger Wicker, who's the Republican Senator from Mississippi,” Sheehan told Liberation Times.

Sheehan pointed out that the only opposition to the UAP legislation comes from five influential Republican politicians: Senators Wicker and Mitch McConnell Minority Leader of the Senate), and Representatives Mike Turner, Mike Rogers, and Mike Johnson (Speaker of the House):

“98% of everybody in Congress is in support of this bill. It’s just these five guys holding it up.”

Sheehan told Liberation Times that the resistance against the UAP language is headed by Representatives Mike Rogers and Mike Turner, Chairs of the House's Armed Services Committee and Intelligence Committee. Sheehan and other sources revealed that both individuals have faced pressure from private defense contractors and the intelligence community, influencing their opposition.

Asked to specifically name the entities pressuring Representatives Turner and Rogers, Sheehan pinpointed Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Radiance Technologies, and the CIA’s Directorate of Operations. While the Liberation Times has been unable to further substantiate the involvement of these organisations, Sheehan states:

“The two chairpersons have been gotten to by the private aerospace industry and by the CIA. Who knows what positive offers they've been made for additional campaign contributions, or what kind of threats have been made to them? The CIA’s covert operations people are capable of delivering.”

The Directorate of Operations functions as the clandestine branch of the CIA and serves as the nation’s authority for coordinating, de-conflicting, and evaluating clandestine operations across the United States Intelligence Community.

Sources indicate to Liberation Times that the CIA's Office of Global Access (OGA) works closely with the Directorate of Operations in conducting retrieval missions involving crashed or landed crafts of non-human origin.

Sheehan added: 

“The Operations Directorate is the dog that wags the tail in the CIA.”

According to Sheehan, the CIA is responsible for dispersing non-human materials to aerospace companies, and, he says, Radiance Technologies is one of its newest customers:

“Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and, now Radiance Technologies, are given particular discrete aspects of the technology to try to figure it out.”

Sheehan said that the three contractors could potentially be subject to lawsuits due to the alleged arrangements with the CIA, commenting:

“It makes those particular companies subject to massive antitrust lawsuits by other companies that are trying to be honest and trying to compete against them.”

Speaking to journalist George Knapp last year, Tim Tinsley, President of Radiance Technologies said: "I'm waiting for one of those" when asked by Knapp if he'd accept a contract to figure out how a UFO worked.

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Radiance Technologies maintains an office in Beavercreek, Ohio, situated within Representative Turner's congressional district. Additionally, its headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama, is conveniently located near Representative Rogers' district.

Since 2010, over $30,000 was given by Radiance Technologies to Representative Rogers and over $60,000 to Representative Turner. Although not large amounts in comparison to other contractors' donations, it is still a significant amount for a smaller entity such as Radiance Technologies. 

A case for close relations and, potentially, influence, can be made.

In 2009, Citizens Against Government Waste analysed the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2010, noting that $4,000,000 had been requested by Representative Turner for Open Source Research Centers intended for Radiance Technologies. 

Representative Turner is also frequently photographed with Radiance Technologies employees and in 2016 Turner cut the ribbon to open its 9,000-square-foot office location in Beavercreek

Representative Rogers also appears to be familiar with Radiance Technologies’ employees and in 2020 he was a guest of honour as Radiance celebrated its 20th anniversary by opening a new 104,000-square-foot facility in Huntsville.

At the event, Representative Rogers said:

“When you look at what Radiance is working on, it’s not just on the cutting edge of what this town’s doing, it's on the cutting edge of what we're going to be needing in the future as we try to defend our country and fight the wars of the future. AI, cyber, hypersonics; all those things are essential for us being able to fight the wars of the future and you're on the cutting edge of that. 

“I'm thrilled about the success that you've had as a company. I can tell you that you have some great leadership as well as great employees. and I'm certain that you're going to continue this success in the future. Congratulations.”

In contrast to Radiance Technologies, Lockheed Martin is a considerably larger entity. 

Since 2010, the company has contributed over $190,000 apiece to Representative Turner and Representative Rogers respectively. Notably, in the 2021-22 cycle, Lockheed Martin made a significant donation to Representative Rogers, providing him with $70,750. And in the 2019-20 cycle, Representative Turner received $74,350 from Lockheed Martin.

Importantly, it should be noted that despite suspicions of such influence, there is no evidence to suggest that Radiance Technologies, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin or the CIA are influencing Representatives Turner or Rogers. Any potential private influences driving Representatives Turner and Rogers remain private. 

Furthermore, multiple sources have told Liberation Times that the allegations made regarding Radiance Technologies are untrue and that two of its employees, Jay Stratton and Travis Taylor are long-time advocates for more transparency on this topic and are in no way involved in any coverup.

The Project On Government Oversight has previously commented that Representative Rogers is a “noteworthy example of how this nexus between Congress and the defense industry can potentially influence policy and spending.”

Notably, earlier this year Representative Rogers was involved in a heated confrontation with UAP advocate and fellow Republican Representative Matt Gaetz - although Gaetz recently called Rogers an ally on this topic. Meanwhile, sources have informed Liberation Times that another UAP advocate, Representative Tim Burchett is being targeted by Representative Rogers, to unseat him from office. It should also be noted that Burchett recently claimed that Speaker Mike Johnson wants total disclosure.

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Despite alleged fierce opposition by Representatives Rogers and Turner and their Republican colleagues, Sheehan remains optimistic, although remarked that there is currently a 45% chance of the UAP language passing intact:

“We're close. We're getting a significant pushback. Given the overwhelming majority of senators in both political parties, and the overwhelming majority of the members of Congress in both parties for this UAP language, we thought this was going to be comparatively easy sailing here.”

Commenting on the specific provisions opposed by the Republican opposition, Sheehan highlighted the Independent Review Board focused on disclosing UAP information and materials.

Sources tell Liberation Times that opponents such as Representatives Turner and Rogers are arguing that it replicates the work of the Pentagon’s UAP Office, known as the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). 

Sheehan disagrees with that assertion, telling Liberation Times:

“They don't like having an independent board put in charge of extracting this information out of the hands of ‘Deep State’ elements that have known about this for 75 years, and have been keeping it secret.”

Another key provision targeted by opponents is the ‘eminent domain’ language contained in the Bill. This would mean that aerospace companies, such as Lockheed Martin, possessing non-human materials, would be obligated to surrender them to the government upon demand.

Sheehan added:

“They're trying to, they're still trying to take away the eminent domain provisions. The aerospace industry is pushing back hard not wanting to relinquish patent rights on the technology that they've got from the UFOs.”

According to Sheehan, behind the scenes, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who proposed the UAP Disclosure Act with Senator Mike Rounds, is fighting to keep the language intact.

“He's [Senator Schumer] refusing to tell them to substitute the AARO for the Independent Review Board and eminent domain provisions inside the Schumer Bill because if they think they could get away with that, they will basically have rendered the entire effort.”

Sources have disclosed to Liberation Times that, although fronting the new legislation, Senator Chuck Schumer’s staff and others in the Senate have been in coordination with various quarters of the U.S. government, including the White House and its National Security Council to create the language.

Commenting on this, Sheehan told Liberation Times:

“The bottom line is that the President has decided, along with Chuck Schumer, along with the overwhelming majority of Republicans and Democrats in both the House and the Senate, that this [the UAP Disclosure Act) is the solution.”

Sheehan has established an office in Washington D.C. to lobby for the passage of the UAP Disclosure Act and its inclusion in the NDAA.

Sheehan says his office has also been engaged to suggest nominee names for the nine-member Independent UAP Review Board, whose members will be appointed by the President. 

Weeks after the Schumer and Rounds amendment was proposed in July this year, a subcommittee of the House of Representatives Oversight & Accountability Committee heard testimony from UAP whistleblower David Grusch, a former intelligence officer who served with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force (a precursor to AARO). Grusch made a sworn statement about a covert, multi-decade crash retrieval and reverse engineering program involving non-human intelligence.

The NDAA is one of the few major pieces of legislation Congress passes every year, a practice started in 1961.

You can advocate for action in Congress for the inclusion of the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 within the NDAA by visiting the New Paradigm Institute’s website: Support the UAP Disclosure Act – New Paradigm Institute (newparadigmproject.org)

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