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2022 Is The Year Of UFOs On Capitol Hill, As Six Reports And Briefings Are Due This Year
If you think your job is tough, imagine an unknown bureaucrat within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (OUSD(I&S)). If OUSD(I&S) intends to (with the blessing of Congress and key Executive figures) commit its resources to run the new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Office, known as the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), then it’s going to be a difficult few years for those serving within the office.
The Gillibrand-Rubio Amendment Must Pass: Pilots Aren’t The Only Ones Seeing Things Going Bump In The Night
There is a myriad of reasons why the Gillibrand-Rubio Amendment (G-R Amendment) to the NDAA 2022 must pass so that the UAP transparency movement can go full steam ahead.
From the outside, it appears that the U.S. Navy has taken the lead on sharing UAP data within the intelligence community. It would make sense, as each Naval Carrier Strike Group (CSG) has the supporting infrastructure to track, categorize and intercept air, surface, and subsurface craft that are within their controlled space.
Surrounded From All Sides, The Pentagon Will Lose Its UFO Battle - And That Starts This Week In Congress
The Pentagon is on its last feet when it comes to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) issue. Not only has it undermined Congress, but it’s also now putting up a desperate resistance whilst surrounded by all sides. The truth will come out, but its actions are only making its problems worse.