New UFO Petition Seeks To Inch San Marino Closer Towards Historic United Nations Request
Written by Christopher Sharp - 2 September 2022
The team behind a proposal, which would see San Marino request periodic Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena (UAP) conferences under the United Nations’ aegis, has launched a new petition, which would bind the small nation’s parliament to discuss and vote on the proposal.
The proposal, known as Project Titan, has stalled in recent months after initial progress was made following a positive meeting and presentation to San Marino’s two Heads of State (known as Captains Regent) in January 2022. But since then, San Marino has not responded to the proposal.
And it is believed that the war between Russia and Ukraine spelled trouble for Project Titan, causing San Marino to put any proposal on the backburner.
Speaking to Liberation Times, Project Titan’s Creator and Project Manager, Paolo Guizzardi commented:
“Given that after more than six months we had no reply whatsoever from the San Marino’s Government, we had to change strategy.
“This new strategy is based on an ancient institute of direct democracy in San Marino’s legal system known as the Istanza d'Arengo, which is essentially a popular petition. The adoption of this strategy was made possible by the presence of a number of San Marino citizen who are in favor of it.”
Guizzardi added:
“Basically our Istanza d’Arengo just asks that San Marino accept to participate in Project Titan. In this way, after a preliminary examination by the Heads of State to check that the fundamental requirement of the public utility is met, the petition is forwarded to the Parliament of San Marino.
“There the merit of the request is discussed; after the discussion, the Parliament expresses its will through a vote. If that vote is in our favour, the Parliament emits a decree which binds San Marino’s Government to implement what is requested in the petition: in our case, that San Marino accepts to participate in Project Titan.”
Despite the petition only being brought forward on condition that San Marino citizens sign, Guizzardi has called for citizens of other nations to sign and demonstrate that there is widespread interest and support for the proposal by signing an international petition, which supports the Istanza d’Arengo.
To sign the international petition, see the relevant link below and follow the instructions:
English speakers, click here
Italian speakers, click here
French speakers, click here
Spanish speakers, click here
Portuguese speakers, click here
German speakers, click here
On 2 October, the Istanza d’Arengo petition will be submitted to San Marino’s Heads of State. Guizzardi comments that at this point “it can be said without exaggeration that San Marino is one step away from making a historic UFO request to the UN.”
Welcoming the latest news from Project Titan, co-founder of UAP think tank Skyfort, Sean Cahill commented:
"Bold concerted international cooperation is the most integral piece missing from this topic. Using San Marino's Istanza d'Arengo to bring Project Titan to the United Nations is a brilliant example of democracy ‘of the people and by the people.
“I cannot support this initiative enough. Education and awareness of the reality of UAP should be available to all. The United Nations is the right place to take this issue."
Project Titan, San Marino and UAPs
The CUN-ICER delegation in the Public Palace of San Marino, with its escort, waiting to be received by the Minister of Culture and the University of the Republic of San Marino. From left: Paolo Guizzardi, Sergeant of the Rocca Guard Ronald Cardinali, Gary Heseltine, and Roberto Pinotti. Credit: Paolo Guizzardi
The government of San Marino is no stranger to the subject of UAPs, as it has been sponsoring the International UFO Symposia for thirty years. These have been organized by the Centro Ufologico Nazionale of Italy (CUN), Italy’s main Ufological organization.
An international conference under the aegis of the United Nations regarding the state of research on the UAP topic would therefore represent an ideal (albeit unconnected) upgrade of the CUN’s existing long-term initiative and a way for San Marino to capitalize on this multi-decade experience.
International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) and CUN President, Roberto Pinotti has previously declared that Project Titan would take up the baton of Grenada’s 1978 UAP initiative (led by its then Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy) at the United Nations, which ultimately failed and was fiercely opposed by the United Kingdom.
If San Marino proceeds with Project Titan, the proposal will undergo a preliminary examination and discussion at the United Nations, before being submitted to a vote by the General Assembly.
The International Situation
Western tensions with Russia and China could potentially derail such proposals, but with an escalation of reported sightings by the U.S. military and recent interest shown by Russia and China, there is the possibility that the topic of UAPs could unite competing interests, similar to what has been seen with bipartisan support within the U.S. government.
Guizzardi expressed the wish that this Project, which in United Nations bureaucratic terms is labeled “Measures for the establishment of an international cooperative effort on the study and research of the UAP phenomenon”, could also become an opportunity for the creation of international cooperation endeavor.
Guizzardi, who is undertaking Project Titan on behalf of the CUN and ICER concluded that:
“Project Titan represents not only the long-awaited opportunity to bring the UFO phenomenon out of the shadows and put it where it belongs, that is, at the attention of the highest forum of humanity to be openly and scientifically studied.
“I like to see it as a way to provide an opportunity for cooperation among states, a most welcome option in a world that appears today more and more divided.”