NASA Is Now Evaluating An Investigation Into UFOs, Which Could Be Officially Confirmed In The Coming Weeks
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On Friday 27 May 2022, the Daily Mail broke the story that NASA is 'evaluating how to provide…expertise in space-based Earth observations to improve understanding of UAPs' and 'has consulted with multiple government entities’.
If NASA does provide its expertise to improve understanding on UAPs, then one could argue that the agency has significant shifted on the topic in, when speaking from an operational sense.
According to the Daily Mail’s source, AOIMSG has already requested footage from NASA cameras during space missions as part of its investigations.
The Daily Mail’s source added that there have been several incidents involving UAPs and NASA missions.
Kevin H Knuth, Associate Professor of Physics, University at Albany (SUNY), and former NASA research scientist told Liberation Times: “It is about time that scientists start taking this subject seriously, especially since there is a potential for paradigm-shifting implications.”
In January 2020, the first Briton in space, Helen Sharman, told The Observer that aliens exist and might be here on Earth.
Months following Sharman’s comments, in August 2020, a Russian cosmonaut, Ivan Vagner, tweeted to have filmed a potential UFO from the International Space Station.
NASA has promised to keep the public updated regarding its next steps.
Written by Christopher Sharp - 29 May 2022
Since becoming NASA’s administrator, former Senator and Armed Services Committee Member, Bill Nelson, has not hidden his interest in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and has been a fierce advocate in taking the topic seriously.
Despite Nelson’s rhetoric, the official NASA line has been very cautious on the topic. But there are now signs that times are changing as momentum builds behind the scenes.
On Friday 27 May 2022, the Daily Mail broke the story that NASA is 'evaluating how to provide…expertise in space-based Earth observations to improve understanding of UAPs' and 'has consulted with multiple government entities’.
The spokesperson, who spoke with the Daily Mail, Karen Fox, last year edited a UAP FAQ, which made clear that ‘NASA does not actively search for UAPs.’ Note, the words evaluate or evaluating were not used in this FAQ.
To be clear, if NASA does provide its expertise to improve understanding on UAPs, then one could argue that the agency has significant shifted on the topic in, when speaking from an operational sense.
The fact that NASA is evaluating its next steps is significant and lends credence to a source, known to Liberation Times, who told the Daily Mail that NASA may be about to launch a working group to support the Pentagon’s new UAP Office, known as AOIMSG.
Fox also promised to keep the public updated regarding NASA’s next steps, suggesting official confirmation of UAP efforts is impending. And according to a source who has spoken to a source who spoke with Liberation Times, those next steps could be confirmed in the coming weeks, although no specific date can be provided currently.
This move would make sense and assist AOIMSG with its legislated mission, which includes coordination with NASA, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Department of Energy.
With the exception of NASA, no word has come out of any other agency listed above as of yet.
According to the Daily Mail’s source, AOIMSG has already requested footage from NASA cameras during space missions as part of its investigations. NASA’s response to such requests will now be closely watched by proponents of the UAP topic in the U.S. Congress.
Kevin H Knuth, Associate Professor of Physics, University at Albany (SUNY), and former NASA research scientist spoke to Liberation Times about the current speculation surrounding NASA, commenting:
“I am excited to hear that NASA may be about to become involved in UAP studies. It is about time that scientists start taking this subject seriously, especially since there is a potential for paradigm-shifting implications. I would be very interested in knowing whether NASA astronauts have had any encounters with UAPs like US Navy pilots.”
Christopher Altman, a NASA-trained Commercial Astronaut, Director of Special Projects, UAPx and Research Affiliate with The Galileo Project at Harvard University, commented on the rumoured NASA working group, stating:
“Such an announcement would signal a refreshing sea change, a quantum leap forward—completely unprecedented in NASA'S 65-year history addressing the phenomenon.
“We would enter into a new era of openness, transparency, and accountability that holds the potential to shed light on one of mankind's greatest enduring mysteries.”
Any such move by NASA could lead to astronauts being interviewed (much like naval aviators) and historic claims being revisited by the space agency. Such interviews could be significant, as according to the Daily Mail’s source, there have been several incidents involving UAPs and NASA missions.
NASA’s current administrator, Bill Nelson, a former astronaut himself, has not hidden his interest in UFOs. Having previously served as a U.S. Senator and member of the Armed Services Committee, he has been briefed on the UAP topic and claims to have spoken to pilots who have witnessed mysterious craft.
Regarding his knowledge of UAP, he told one interviewer:
“I’ve talked to those pilots and they know they saw something and their radars locked onto it and then all of a sudden it was here on the surface, and then it’s there [pointing up] - and they don’t know what it is, and we don’t know what it is.”
In June 2021, Nelson told CNN that he had directed NASA scientists to start investigating UFOs, commenting, “NASA appropriately is going to look at it through the lens of its scientists and that’s what we’re doing.”
However, weeks later an official NASA statement seemed to downplay Nelson’s comments, by stating:
‘While NASA doesn’t actively search for UAPs, if we learn of UAPs, it would open up the door to new science questions to explore. Atmospheric scientists, aerospace experts, and other scientists could all contribute to understanding the nature of the phenomenon. Exploring the unknown in space is at the heart of who we are.’
Whilst playing down Nelson’s previous comments by confirming there was no active effort, the statement certainly left the door open to potential work on UAP - which now (as suggested by the Daily Mail’s source), could come to fruition as NASA evaluates its next move.
Spectacular Claims Made By Former NASA Astronauts
Artistic representation imagining UAPs in Earth orbit - credit Andrew Pearce
Although NASA has not officially admitted any clear overt interest in UAP, former astronauts and scientists employed by the agency have taken great interest in the topic.
Before joining NASA, the late Mercury astronaut, Gordon Cooper, recounted witnessing a large formation of UAPs in 1951 whilst on a United States Air Force training exercise, revealing:
“Unlike fighters, they would stop in forward velocity and change 90 degrees and within the next two to three days we practically had all the fighters we could muster from the base up climbing as high as they could climb with guys in binoculars in them trying to spot these strange devices flying overhead -but we could never get close enough to pin them down - they were round and metallic looking.”
Cooper also made a further astonishing claim, which seems to have been corroborated by the late Senator Harry Reid. Cooper told how whilst stationed at Edwards Air Force Base, California in 1957, he witnessed the filming of a metallic disk-shaped object which landed at the base.
Cooper claimed to have presented the footage to his ‘higher ups’ before a jet couriered the film back to Washington D.C.
When asked about the unreleased footage in a documentary movie named ‘The Phenomenon’, the late Senator Harry Reid seemed to back confirm Cooper’s story, stating, “we have it, it’s there.”
Former Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, was well known for his belief in ET visitations to Earth, and in 2004 claimed the U.S. government was covering up the truth, including the study of alien bodies, commenting: "a few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered."
According to British UFO researcher Timothy Good, a former female MI6 agent told him that the first man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, said in an overheard conversation that there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969 and that they were “warned off”.
Documentary filmmaker James Fox stated on a podcast that he met with Fay Ann Aldrin, sister of the second man on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin.
According to Fay Ann, Buzz Aldrin said that “something followed them to the Moon.”
Fox claimed that Aldrin was ready to tell his story, before pulling out of an interview at the last moment out of fear of being labelled a ‘UFO nut’.
Although he didn’t tell his story to James Fox, Aldrin spoke publicly to the Science Channel, asserting that objects were following Apollo 11, to which NASA responded by issuing a statement, claiming Aldrin was taken out of context and that objects seen by the crew were ‘panels from the separation of the spacecraft from the upper stage.’
Aldrin has previously asserted that there is a monolith on Mars’ moon, Phobos, commenting on live television that, “there’s a monolith there, a very unusual structure on this little potato-shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours - when people find out about that, they’ll say ‘who put that there?’”
In addition to claims by astronauts, NASA has been accused of switching off live video when strange objects enter the screen, and there are other theories that strange artefacts and structures have been seen on Mars.
It doesn’t just stop at NASA though, as Russian and former Soviet cosmonauts have also admitted to strange encounters with UAPs.
A former cosmonaut from the Soviet Union, Marina Popovich, claimed that in 1989, a Soviet probe (named Phobos II) captured a UFO on camera approaching the probe before all communications were lost.
In 1991, Popovich held a press conference, to show an alleged image from the probe, which appears to show a strangely shaped object next to Mars’ potato-shaped moon.
Recent Comments Made By Astronauts
More recently, both western and eastern astronauts have made interesting comments regarding extraterrestrial intelligence on Earth and UAPs.
In January 2020, the first Briton in space, Helen Sharman, told The Observer that aliens exist and might be here on Earth, commenting:
“Aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it. There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life. Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not. It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them.”
Months following Sharman’s comments, in August 2020, a Russian cosmonaut, Ivan Vagner, tweeted to have filmed a potential UFO from the International Space Station, commenting above a video showing the apparent object:
“Space guests, or how I filmed the new time-lapse. The peak of aurora borealis when passing over the Antarctic in Australia’s longitude, meaning in between them. However, in the video, you will see something else, not only the aurora.”
Although the United States and Russia share the International Space Station, it is uncertain whether any cooperative investigation will occur, given current international tensions.
But whatever happens, it now seems that the agency may be catching up with the rhetoric of its administrator, Bill Nelson. Although no official working group or program has been confirmed yet, NASA is currently evaluating its next move.
To be clear, NASA has explored Earth’s orbit, the solar system, galaxy and universe for decades. If it did not believe there was any credence in the UAP discussion, NASA would have shut down this conversation.