Make Or Break Time For Kirkpatrick As UFO Senate Hearing Approaches


Written by Christopher Sharp - 18 April 2023

On Wednesday 19 April 2023, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will hold a public hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

The agenda?

To receive testimony on the mission, activities, oversight, and budget of the UAP office known as the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which Kirkpatrick directs.

Frustrations may have boiled over within Congress. And perhaps this is why we find ourselves here.

And there may be multiple issues involved which are fuelling such frustrations.

Liberation Times is aware that certain whistleblowers have separately spoken with Congress and Dr. Kirkpatrick.

However, if Kirkpatrick failed to inform Congress about these whistleblowers approaching the AARO, it could pose a significant challenge to congressional oversight.

Congress may now be monitoring Kirkpatrick's actions closely after being made aware of these conversations, albeit not through the AARO.

In light of these circumstances, what could be the reasons for Kirkpatrick's reluctance to disclose his findings to Congress?

Regardless of the forces at play, Kirkpatrick's options and time are dwindling rapidly, especially if he intends to evade or confuse the questioning during Wednesday's hearing.

Access to whistleblowers who can reveal alleged recovered craft of non-human origin is critical to the AARO's mission. Uncovering programs related to recovery and reverse engineering provides a means of getting to the heart of the UAP mystery.

If the above scenario is true and Kirkpatrick has failed to act, then it is no wonder that alarm bells are ringing - to the extent that a public Senate hearing will be held.

Kirkpatrick should be applauded for admitting that UAP have a ‘ubiquitous presence’ in a presentation given to the Transportation Research Board’s National Academy of Engineering in January this year. 

That fact has now been backed up recently by Space Force Major General John Olson, who commented that UAP encounters have “occurred globally.”

But the positives so far are outweighed by the negatives.

For instance, four months on from the passing of NDAA 2023, Liberation Times understands that there are frustrations over a lack of progress made by the AARO.

For instance, no mechanism exists for whistleblowers to come forward. Not one phone number, email address, or contact has been given to anyone wishing to come forward.

Instead of acting on such a critical matter, Kirkpatrick has chosen to remain in his comfort zone, sticking to conventional science, a field with which he is familiar.

Recently, Kirkpatrick wrote a scientific paper alongside Professor Avi Loeb, where they explored the physical constraints around UAP. But critics noted the paper was through the lens of known physics and conventional aircraft. However, Liberation Times understands that Kirkpatrick realises that such physics does not apply to UAP, at least those with unusual flight characteristics.

Yes, UAP seen every day by U.S. service members could have multiple explanations. As February's shootdowns over North America showed, there are major concerns about foreign surveillance activities over sensitive defense assets.

Even more concerning, naval personnel are being disoriented by UAP whilst serving on board their ships. John Gutierrez, an active-duty Navy commander, described one such alarming event involving the USS Kearsarge:

“Sailors that I’ve spoken to personally talk about being out on deployment in the middle of the night. They’re standing on bridge watch and all of a sudden on the horizon they see a light kind of flicker on and all of a sudden start tracking towards the ship. 

“And then as soon as they lose sight of the object over the ship, or presumably directly overhead of the ship, all of a sudden it casts this light which is so bright and so blinding that they’re disorientated within the bridge of the ship.”  

But even when dealing with perhaps conventional technologies (which threaten national security), the AARO has still not received the funding requested by Congress.

Recently, after being probed by Senator Gillibrand, Michael J. McCord, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), seemed to suggest that Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security, had not relayed any concerns or requests for further funding, stating:

“Senator, I don't have any information from my colleague Undersecretary Moultrie that he needed additional funding in this area. It's a relatively new office.”

So, has Kirkpatrick lobbied Moultrie and other defence officials for more funding? If not, why? Although Moultrie may ultimately be blamed, the action or inaction of Kirkpatrick in calling for more funding may be revealing. After all, such funding is vital for him to successfully undertake his duties.

Another key duty for Kirkpatrick is to keep Congress informed. And as suggested earlier, this topic may reveal significant frustrations.

If there was one takeaway from the February shootdowns, it was that Congress has little tolerance for lack of transparency with them and the public.

With no activity featured on the AARO's Twitter page since July 2022, the page stands as a symbol of its lack of progress on critical issues so far.

On 19 April 2023, Congress may decide whether they have confidence in Kirkpatrick to undertake the mission he has been mandated to do.

And with the White House UAP Interagency Team waiting in the wings, now is a crucial moment for Congress to act.

The AARO’s success is of great importance for UAP advocates within the Congress.

If the AARO fails to act decisively, the White House's own efforts may overshadow those of Congress, which deserves credit and recognition.

Note: Liberation Times also supports the message of Matt Ford, seen below:

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