Takeaways From The Elizondo, Mellon and Loeb Interview, As Mellon Confirms The Public WILL Be Given Access To Unclassified Future UAP Reports
Written by Christopher Sharp - 21 November 2021
Today’s interview was always destined to be special.
It marked the first occasion that both Christopher Mellon and Lue Elizondo had appeared together in an interview since a To The Stars Academy (TTSA) Podcast in July 2020.
To add to the occasion was the presence of Harvard University’s Avi Loeb, Head of the Galileo Project, which will search for extraterrestrial signatures within our solar system and Earth’s atmosphere.
But the interview could be remembered for an historic milestone, which may be marked by future generations. Perhaps one day, students delving through the virtual bookshelves will watch the interview, knowing that it entwined with a historic moment for humankind.
And what moment is that? The birth of ASTRO.
This is the first interview given by both Mellon and Elizondo, since the Anomaly Surveillance, Tracking and Resolution Office (ASTRO) was born within Senator Gillibrand’s (now updated) Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) amendment, which forms part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Congress has a habit of adding symbology to its acronyms - see the ‘Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against Sites Intent on Theft and Exploitation Act’, otherwise known as the ‘E-PARASITE Act’.
Humour aside, this isn’t an office named DRONE or SINORUSS. The name ASTRO could be ominous for things to come, but its too soon to tell.
The new ASTRO (if passed) will mean collaboration between government and the scientific community due to the proposed Aerial And Transmedium Phenomena Advisory Committee (ATPAC), made up of civilian engineers and scientists willing to advise and assist ASTRO’s collection and analysis efforts.
Under the proposed language, three members of ATPAC will be:
“Selected from among individuals recommended by the Director of the Galileo Project at Harvard University”.
That would officially bring Loeb, Elizondo and Mellon (both have recently joined Galileo) to the heart of the action, should ASTRO and ATPAC be established.
Aside from this, ASTRO now has apparent support from the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, which under the current language (if ASTRO is passed), would be briefed on UAP by ASTRO alongside numerous other key committees, including the Senate Armed Services and Intelligences committees.
For those wondering, the Appropriations Committee regulates expenditures of money by the government of the United States - thus has control over Washington D.C.’s purse strings and could potentially withhold money from agencies that do not cooperate with ASTRO.
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
- U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7
Speculation has followed each sentence and word used in Gillibrand’s amendment and what it could mean should ASTRO be established.
Words that have been used include:
But there’s much more, and the speed within Washington appears to have accelerated ever since Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines stumbled upon the word “extraterrestrially“ in a recent forum.
The triumvirate of Loeb, Mellon and Elizondo, encompassing military intelligence (Elizondo), governmental bureaucracy (Mellon) and science with its institutions (Loeb), represent key points vital for the disclosure process.
Appearing with host Max Moszkowicz, the interview was perfectly set to be one of the most insightful yet. And it didn’t disappoint.
Here are some of the key takeaways.
Scientists Have Been Waiting A Long Time For Galileo Project
Loeb stated that scientists affiliated with the Galileo Project have been waiting some time for a safe space to study this topic. Due to UAP being stigmatised within the scientific community, they never felt safe up until now with the creation of the Galileo Project.
If UAP is proven to be non-human intelligence, then the scientific community has plenty to look forward to, but many lessons to learn from its stigmatisation of the topic.
Galileo Telescope System Due To Be Deployed By Spring 2022
The Galileo Project team are currently buying the instruments. And the first telescope system tested will be on roof of Harvard University’s Centre for Astrophysics.
The system will then be tested at Harvard, identifying objects, such as birds and aeroplanes.
By the end of spring 2022 (if the system works), copies will be made and placed in various locations to detect UAP.
Harvard University’s Centre for Astrophysics - image from Wikipedia
How Mellon and Elizondo Can Help The Galileo Project
When asked how Mellon and Elizondo could help the Galileo Project, Loeb answered by stating:
“There are several different possible directions, for example, what different kinds of instruments we might want to use, what kind of locations we might want to place the telescope systems in, and what are the societal implications if we find something - these are the areas where they can contribute a lot.”
Academics Affiliated With Stanford, Oxford and (possibly) Cambridge Are Now Reaching Out
Elizondo stated that individuals connected with major universities, such as Stanford, Oxford and possibly Cambridge are now reaching out to the Galileo Project. This perhaps shows how Harvard University’s involvement has added credibility to the UAP topic.
Involvement from Oxford and Cambridge could spark much-needed political and media engagement in the UK. According to Tim McMillan of The Debrief, the UK government may not want to have the UAP discussion at this moment - although it seems inevitable that it will have to engage at some point.
Elizondo identified the scientific community as crucial to this whole process. He cited history and how some of the major paradigm shifting moments came from academia.
Elizondo went on to describe how academia is the glue holding his five pillars* of UAP engagement.
Note, Lue also mentioned the importance of the private sector - does this suggest corporations such as Lockheed Martin may become involved? It has been rumoured, even by Harry Reid, that corporations like Lockheed may possess fragments of UAP.
*The other pillars are Media Engagement, Executive Engagement, Legislative Engagement, International Engagement, Public Engagement
The Gillibrand Amendment DOES Require Unclassified Reports To The Public
There was previously some uncertainty whether the amendment would mean further unclassified reports issued to the public.
Mellon has now put those doubts to bed. This means that we will get to learn more information regarding the nature of the phenomena in the upcoming years.
We should at least learn if adversarial technology has been ruled out, leaving ‘other’ as the only option left on the table.
Mellon and Elizondo Seeking To Release Unclassified Data, Including Videos
Mellon remarked how he and Elizondo had seen unclassified videos and data that has not been released yet and poses no national security threat. Therefore, there is no reason why the videos and information should not be released.
Mellon said that he will be advocating for the release of such data. This data could help the Galileo Project - which will only work with what is publicly available.
Mellon Can Help Prepare Society For Disclosure
Mellon recalled that he and Elizondo had seen how people react upon learning about the phenomena. From these unique experiences, he stated how he could provide advice to help prepare society.
He went on to say that he can help “facilitate coordination and information flow” regarding the Galileo Project. This suggests that discoveries and subsequent announcements will be carefully planned before communication occurs with the public.
Some may remember Tom Delonge recalling how he could not sleep upon learning about the phenomena. Elizondo stated he felt sombre.
Perhaps a world-class psychologist can be brought on board with the Galileo Project to provide messaging assistance?
Mellon NOT Getting Carried Away With ET Speculation
Mellon stated that speculation can help inform an hypothesis - but added that more data is needed at this point in time.
He added that sometimes speculation can be counterproductive, especially in the case of UAP.
This suggests Mellon’s position is closer to that of Congressman Ruben Gallego, who has played down ET speculation, as more data and analysis are needed.
Furthermore, Mellon stated that many within the Department of Defense (DoD) who are involved in this topic do not think UAP represents something extraterrestrial and are sceptical.
According to Mellon, some cannot even form the word extraterrestrial - hence the category of ‘other’ being used in the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) Preliminary Assessment.
Teasingly, Mellon said that those within the DoD are still having a hard time“getting used to this new world”.
The Galileo Project Needs More Funding
It has currently raised $2million and its target is $100million.
$100million would allow the project to widen its network of telescopes.
Loeb stated said there is a benefit for private investors, as the Project’s findings could open the door to new technologies which humans do not possess.
Click here if you wish to support the Galileo Project.
Very Little Information About UAP Is Shared From U.S. Allies
Mellon said that the stigma has meant there is little information of any value shared by U.S. allies. This is due to the potential impact it would have on the careers of those involved.
However, Mellon does hope this situation will change soon. Note that Gillibrand’s amendment would require ASTRO to consult with other nations.
UAP Seemingly Wanted To Provoke Navy Ships
Mellon said that UAP penetrating the air defense perimeter of aircraft carrier battle groups is unacceptable. He described that objects have recently followed and buzzed around navy ships for hours, seemingly wanting to provoke them.
Furthermore, according to Mellon, UAP seem especially interested in military assets as opposed to “other incredible human inventions and devices”, which he described as concerning.
Note, there have been rumours that UAP are being baited by navy ships, potentially due to the nuclear technology deployed on such assets.
When asked about the topic of baiting, Elizondo has previously stated:
"I'm going to take a polite pass on that question. I'm not at liberty to discuss/confirm/deny. I have to be very careful of going down that line."
Gillibrand’s amendment in fact refers to the reporting of incidents relating to strategic nuclear weapons and nuclear-powered ships and submarines. This points to the apparent relationship between nuclear assets and UAP - which Mellon did not elaborate on.
Galileo Project Would Welcome Physical Material From UAP
Loeb stated he would be “like a kid in a candy shop” - he compared finding such material to a caveman discovering a cell phone.
We know that Jacques Vallée and Garry Nolan do have potential UAP material in their possession, which is undergoing the peer review process - perhaps there is scope for those individuals to coordinate with Loeb’s team?
What Were Mellon And Elizondo Doing In Washington D.C. Last Week?
Mellon stated that he and Elizondo were in Washington for most of the week in support of the Gillibrand Amendment. He added that they had been speaking and consulting with different people on The Hill and in the Executive Branch.
Mellon described how he is “tentatively optimistic”. He is usually very guarded with his words, so this is a good sign.
Does Data Exist That Shows Objects Entering Earth’s Atmosphere And Manoeuvring?
Mellon suggested that if data was released, showing objects conducting such manoeuvres before leaving Earth’s atmosphere, that this could take the conversation to another level, if the scientific community could validate it.
An Insightful Interview
This was indeed an insightful interview.
It feels like a relatively calm moment before the storm. And things seem to be bubbling beneath the surface. In this interview (like previous ones), Elizondo has said most of the progress cannot be seen in public, comparing it to a submerged submarine.
Following the interview the below tweet appeared from Senator Gillibrand.
Get strapped in, it’s about to get very interesting.
You can watch the full interview on the Max Moszkowicz YouTube Channel below.
Follow his channel by clicking here.