By Sabir Hussain – Director, Indian Society For UFO Studies (INSUFOS)
Hear me for my cause.. Believe me for mine honor.. Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your sense, so that you may be the better judge…
Shakespeare in Julius Caesar
On 7-12-21, the U.S House of Representatives passed the negotiated NDAA bill (S. 1605) due to the bipartisan statesmanlike approach of ranking Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Mark Rubio, and Congressman Ruben Gallego. As an Indian UFO researcher with a deep interest in American politics, I was happy to see Democrats and Republicans who don’t see eye to eye on many issues come together and speak in one voice. But what both sides must note is that there is an extraordinary danger that is lurking its head in the Indian subcontinent which has the potential to wipe out the human race from the face of Earth.
In August 2019, I filed a petition before the Supreme Court of the world’s largest democracy - India - asking them to take necessary measures to prevent an accidental Indo-Pak nuclear war due to misunderstood UFO activities. Lue Elizondo, Dr. Hal Puthoff, Robert Salas, General Bermudez, Commander Chamorro, Gary Heseltine, Dr. Velasco and Hugo Camus wrote letters to the Chief Justice of India supporting my initiative. My petition was inspired by two documents.
In 1960 NICAP submitted a report before the American Congress, introduced by Congressman Leonard Wolf and supported by CIA’s first Director, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, U.S. Navy missile expert Admiral McLaughlin, British Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding, rocket science pioneer Hermann Oberth, and more than 200 air force pilots, radar operators, astronomers, and military veterans. This report warned:
“There is a serious and growing danger that UFOs may be mistaken for Soviet missiles or jets, accidentally setting off war. Several air defense scrambles and false alerts already have occurred when defense radar- men mistook UFO formations for possible enemy machines..”
Regardless of what both the U.S. and USSR said publicly about the UFO phenomenon, privately they were smart enough to take it seriously. The result was seen in the September 1971 agreement signed between them, titled Measures to Reduce the Risk of Nuclear War, in which Article 3 dealt with “Unidentified (Flying) Objects”. It stated:
“The Parties undertake to notify each other immediately in the event of detection by missile warning systems of unidentified objects or in the event of signs of interference with these systems or with related communications facilities, if such occurrences could create a risk of outbreak of nuclear war between the two countries. Unfortunately, no such agreement exists between nuclear armed India and Pakistan.”
India and Pakistan have fought four wars over Kashmir (1947, 1965, 1971, 1999) since partition in 1947. India has deployed Prithvi, Agni, and Sagarika nuclear missiles, while Pakistan has deployed six land-based nuclear missiles Ghauri, Shaheen, Ghaznavi, Abdali, Babur and battlefield tactical nuke Nasr. India has announced a “No Nuclear First Use” policy, but Pakistan has not. Terrorist organizations like Jundallah, TTP, Al Qaeda and ISIS have so far carried out six attacks on Pakistani nuclear weapons bases like Sargodha, Kamra and Wah cantonment. So far all these attacks have failed. So far. In some of these attacks officers from the base itself have provided inside information to these terrorists motivated by Wahhabi radicalization or tribal loyalty. As things stand now, the Commander of a Pakistani nuclear weapons base faces threats from Indian, Israeli and U.S. Special Forces and their SEAD drones, anti-Pakistan terrorist groups and finally his own radicalized officers. Added to this now, the Pakistani Commander also has to face an entirely different kind of threat for which he and his soldiers are neither prepared nor aware of.
It is of utmost importance we understand how a Pakistani soldier with a very limited educational background and his commanding officer will react to UFO interactions with his nuclear weapons. Both of them come from a society where the voice of a priest (mullah) is louder than that of a physicist. Being a self-declared Islamic state, the Pakistani people are taught to approach everything only from the perspective of religion, so when a Pakistani soldier witnesses unexplainable UFO actions like appearing and disappearing before his eyes, one light (UFO) breaking into two pieces and joining back, UFO sending down a beam of light over the underground bunkers where nuclear weapons are stored, at the same time disrupting his communications, he can’t be blamed if he jumps to the conclusion that India, Israel or America has let lose Jinn (black magic) on them. He will either drop his weapons and run away, or may start shooting indiscriminately at the UFOs using RPGs and anti-aircraft guns. Some may even try to fire surface-to-air missiles at them and if their superiors try to restrain them they may even fire upon them leading to mutiny. History tells us that one of the starting points for the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny was the rumor that cow and pig fat has been used as grease in the cartridges supplied by the British, which enraged both Hindu and Muslim soldiers.
SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) drones specialize in suppressing enemy surface-based air defenses like surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, Early Warning Radar as well as Command, Control and Communication functions. Since January 2019 there is a “Drone War” going on in the India-Pakistan border. Both sides have repeatedly shot down each other’s drones. In 2019 an unknown object crossing over from Pakistan led to the scrambling of two Indian Air Force Sukhoi jets which led to the scrambling of two Pakistani Air Force jets, which almost led to an aerial battle like the one fought on the morning of February 27. In June 2021 jihadis operating from Pakistan used drones to drop two small explosives on the Indian air force base in Kashmir. India has bought American predator and Israeli Heron drones, while Pakistan has acquired Chinese Wing Loong II armed drones. China has also stationed advanced drones in Xinxiang near the Indo-China borders. Today India has initiated a process to acquire ten Counter-Unmanned aircraft Systems (CUAS) to neutralize Pakistani and Chinese drone threats. My question is this: how do you fit UFO interactions into this bleak picture?
If you think my theory that any UFO flying over Pakistani military base being misunderstood as an Indian attack, is farfetched then know that the American joint chiefs also share the same concern. On August 7, 1998, Al-Qaeda carried out suicidal truck bombings on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing 223 people including 12 Americans. In retaliation on August 21, President Clinton ordered missile attacks on Al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. But the problem was that the missiles had to fly over Pakistan to reach their target during the night. If the Americans gave prior intimation to Pakistan, then that information would reach Bin Laden through ISI, so they did not. But at the same time, the American Generals were worried that Pakistan would misinterpret these missiles as the beginning of an Indian attack, so the American Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton sent their deputy Admiral Joe Ralston, to Islamabad to dine with the Pakistan Army Chief on the night of the attack and inform him as the missiles were flying, that they were not launched from India. This incident happened just two months after India and Pakistan carried out nuclear tests in 1998 when both sides did not even have one nuclear missile. Today they have dozens of nuclear missiles aimed at each other. The worst part is that even if one of the Indian or Pakistani officers in the base (who might have studied the vast UFO literature) tries to convince his Commander that these mysterious lights might actually be a UFO, the chances are the Commanding General will have this officer arrested, or even shot after branding him as a RAW or ISI disinformation agent.
UFOs do not carry transponders, so any UFO seen by Indian Air Force officers on radar will be seen as a Pakistani jet on an attack mission. On the morning of February 27th when the aerial battle was taking place between Indian and Pakistani jets over Kashmir, an Indian Air Force MI-17 helicopter, which was ordered to return to the IAF base from where it took off, was shot down by a Spyder surface-to-air missile fired from the same base killing six IAF officers. All this was because the transponder signal in the Indian helicopter was not functioning properly. Remember, for the Indian and Pakistani fighter jets stationed at the borders, some of which are loaded with nuclear weapons, it will take less than two minutes to cross the borders and attack each other’s bases or cities. In December 2015, and July 2019 UFOs were twice seen by the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) guards at midnight entering the prohibited airspace over the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Propulsion Research Centre-IPRC located in the Tirunelveli District in the state of Tamil Nadu. A massive combing operation in the region revealed no drones or their operators.
UFOs have repeatedly entered the highly restricted airspace over the American Nuclear Plants beginning in January 1945 (Hanford). Even as recently as September 2019, witnesses have reported seeing five to six UAPs near the Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona. Indian and Pakistani nuclear reactors also produce highly enriched Uranium and Plutonium for their nuclear weapons. How will India or Pakistan react if UFOs violated the airspace over their nuclear plants interfering with their functioning and disrupting their communications?
Can you blame the Rawalpindi generals if they conclude that it is an Indian, Israeli, or American SEAD drone that has been sent to disable their nuclear reactors?
After the 2011 Abbottabad raid by American Navy Seals to kill Osama, a Pakistani General told the Atlantic Magazine:
“The Americans are in the skies, where they are invisible, and yet they can kill anyone they want. America is a superpower of technology. It would be easy to make a quick snatch of Pakistani nuclear assets”.
Now imagine how this general would react to UFOs whose technological capabilities are thousands of times more advanced than American drone technology. Pakistani Generals have not forgotten the 2007 Israeli SEAD drone attack on the Syrian nuclear reactor. Pakistan has positioned powerful anti-aircraft guns and surface-to-air missiles (SAM) around her nuclear reactors and installations, which will be unleashed on the UFOs, based on the “Use it or Lose it principle”. Whether these missiles have any effect on the UFOs or not, they will certainly create panic on the Indian side, especially since there are dozens of Indian military bases and the BARC nuclear reactor in Mumbai within two minutes of Pakistani fighter jets and missiles. Previously, India’s nuclear warheads were kept de-mated as three individual components. This reduced the chances of an accidental, unauthorized, or impulsive launch. Today the canisterizing of India’s land-based Agni nuclear missiles and SLMBs in her nuclear submarine Arihant has given the Indian PM the ability to carry out LoW (Launch on Warning) and LoL (Launch on Launch) within seconds. So, any violent reactions from the Pakistani military towards the UFOs will be seen by the Indian PM as something aimed at India and he will not have the 30 minutes early-warning time like the American and Russian leaders to consult with anyone. Like the Rawalpindi Generals, he too will be governed by the “Use it or Lose it principle”. If you are looking for the recipe for “Armageddon” this is the one.
Map released by the 2019 Rutgers University report depicting targets in an Indo-Pak War
The 2019 Rutgers University and U.S. Naval War College report cites conditions like, terrorist attacks within India or Pakistan, panic, loss of communication, technical failures in early warning radar and satellite systems, misinterpretation of the actions of the other military and hacking of communication systems or nuclear plants, as some of the causes for an accidental Indo-Pak nuclear exchange, which they said is not a matter of “IF” but “WHEN”.
Since the 1940s UFO interactions with our military/nuclear forces have exhibited all of the above symptoms. In the 1980s, on many occasions, American DSP satellites have mistaken UFOs for Russian missiles and were given false warnings (three per week). On September 1, 1983, a Soviet Air Force jet (due to a case of mistaken identity) shot down the Korean Air Lines flight 007, killing all 269 passengers including 22 children and one American Congressman. Three weeks later on September 23rd, the Soviet Oko nuclear missile early warning system reported that six nuclear missiles launched from U.S. were on their way towards Russia. Soviet air force Colonel Stanislav Petrov who was the duty officer at the command center thought this must be a false alarm so he waited for a few minutes without reacting and later it was found out that the satellite-based computer early warning system had indeed malfunctioned. The distance between Washington DC and Moscow is 7820 km, which gave them 30 minutes early warning time, but the distance between Islamabad and New Delhi is only 670 km which gives both sides only two minutes early warning time. The tense atmosphere that existed between U.S. and USSR during the Cuban missile crisis exists permanently in the Indo-Pak borders. During the Cold War, both U.S. and USSR were in constant communication at the highest level about UFO interactions with their defence systems (1971 U.S-USSR treaty) but in the Indian subcontinent no such understanding exists between India and Pakistan.
On one side we have India’s nuclear weapons coming under the control of individuals whose political ideologues wanted to implement Hitler’s “Final Solution” policies on the Muslims in the subcontinent, avenging what Muslim invaders did thousand years ago, on the other side we have individuals in Pakistan who believe that by carrying out death by a thousand cuts tactics in Kashmir they can avenge the loss of East Pakistan in 1971. Of late both Indian and Pakistani leaders have openly threatened to launch nuclear attacks on each other, without worrying about the immediate, short-term, and long-term consequences of an Indo-Pak nuclear exchange on their respective societies. Both Indian and Pakistani governments have not made any efforts to prepare their civil society on how to deal with events like thermal radiation, nuclear firestorm, radioactive fallout (black rain), residual radioactivity, and damage to the gene pool that follows a nuclear explosion. To make matters worse, now the Taliban have a country of their own, and having failed to take over the Pakistani nuclear weapons from the outside they will take it over from the inside. Added to this mix we have some of these UFOs who have been interfering and monitoring our nuclear weapons and related installations, meanwhile, we have some elements within the American DoD who are speaking like Jack Nicholson in Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth”.
In spite of the obfuscation of some DoD officials, the House of Representatives passed the negotiated NDAA bill. This bill contained three clauses related to UAP-nuclear weapons interactions which it said must be part of its annual report:
The number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of UAP associated with military nuclear assets, including strategic nuclear weapons, and nuclear-powered ships and submarines.
In consultation with the Administrator for Nuclear Security, the number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of UAP associated with facilities or assests associated with the production, transportation, or storage of nuclear weapons or components thereof.
In consultation with the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, of UAP or drones of unknown origin associated with nuclear power generating stations, nuclear fuel storage sites, or other sites or facilities regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission..
The U.S. Government must understand that the above three clauses acquire very dangerous dimensions when you look at it from the perspective of nuclear-armed India and Pakistan with their 80 years unresolved Kashmir conflict. On November 21st, Ranking Senator Kirsten Gillibrand courageously tweeted;
“Burying our heads in the sand is neither a strategy nor an acceptable approach. That’s why I have introduced a bipartisan proposal to provide oversight and accountability over reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”.
It would be in the best national security interests of the United States if Senators Gillibrand, Rubio and Congressman Gallego utilize the clause in the NDAA bill which requires, “an update on the coordination by the United States with allies and partners on efforts to track, understand and address UAP”, to focus some of their attention on the Indian subcontinent where we have millions of Ostriches still burying their heads in the sand when it comes to dealing with UFOs. Recently a huge UFO was seen hovering over the Saurashtra region in Gujarat, where the Indian air force operates four air force bases, some with nuclear weapons. A top Indian scientific advisor came up with the brilliant explanation that it might be one of Elon Musk’s low Earth satellites. When did American low Earth satellites start hovering over nuclear weapons bases in the Indo-Pak borders? These are the geniuses who will advise the Indian PM tomorrow during an Indo-Pak nuclear standoff. If you don’t believe in God, now is the time to do so. When a UAP violates the restricted airspace over an American nuclear reactor or missile base, the CO of that base will not think, this must be the work of Mexico or Canada, who are planning to attack our base. But in the Indian subcontinent, this will be the first and foremost thought that will enter the minds of Indian and Pakistani military commanders, and rightly so.
My request to the U.S. President is simple. You are the leader of the free world and you need a stable India and Pakistan to maintain global peace and order. So use the extraordinary power and influence that comes with your office to bring Indian and Pakistani political leadership, nuclear missile base commanders, and air force officers to the table and explain to them, that UFOs have been engaging with our nuclear missiles, reactors, aircraft carriers at sea, early warning radar and communication systems and fighter jets carrying nuclear weapons since the 1940s. So it is very important they don’t jump to any conclusions when they see something similar happen over their military bases in the Indo-Pak borders. In 2019 after filing the UFO petition before the Supreme Court I personally handed over copies to the military attaché of Pakistan and China in New Delhi. I don’t know if they read my report or not. They can choose to ignore me, but if the same advice comes from the U.S. Government they will have to respond. 80 years of UFO Denial, Debunking and Secrecy must come to an end before something unimaginable happens in the highly volatile Indo-Pak or Indo-China borders.
The White House, leaders of Congress, and the Joint Chiefs must ask themselves two questions. First, who do you think has the final say in this matter, U.S. Government or the UFOs? If they can switch off your nuclear missiles, play hide and seek with your fighter jets, run around your nuclear aircraft carriers (2015 Roosevelt) in circles for ten months, every single day for more than ten hours, what makes you think that they cannot or will not do the same over Washington D.C? Already they have done that in 1952 but you were able to successfully cover that up. But can you do so in 2022, when everyone is carrying a ten-megapixel HD camera and can share a video with billions around the world within minutes?
Second, what happens if the Russian and the Chinese leaders hold a joint press meet and reveal the UFO truth to the human race by providing authentic videos and pictures? Also revealing that elements within the American DoD using Waived Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (WUSAPs) have sold out the human race to some of these ET visitors. Already the Muslims in Iran, Middle East, and Pakistan call you the “Great Satan” and this will only prove that. You are not dealing with “Roe vs Wade” for the rest of the world to ignore. You represent just four percent of the human race but you are playing around with a phenomenon that will question the most fundamental and sacred beliefs of two billion Muslims, one billion Hindus, and 2.5 billion Christians, without thinking about its extraordinary far-reaching consequences.
Today just one rumour that someone has desecrated the Quran or the name of the Prophet brings thousands into the streets of Pakistan. Taking out of context and manipulating just one verse from the Quran, the so-called “Verse of the Sword”, extremists could unleash so much violence against you. Imagine what can be done with 22 verses dealing with the Jinn (Non-Human intelligences). If the U.S. Government makes a mess with UFO Disclosure just like the mess you made with troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, millions will pour into the streets of the Middle East, North Africa, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, where the Generals will hand control over their nuclear weapons to the radical imams who will launch attacks against American bases, Israel and India over Kashmir. India will launch nuclear strikes killing millions in Pakistan including some of the 60,000 Chinese soldiers and workers involved in the 60 billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects in Pakistan. China which has a No First Use (NFU) policy will wipe out Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai with one megaton Dong Feng-26 thermonuclear missiles, calling this retaliatory strike. What are you going to do?
No Pakistani or Indian missiles can reach the continental U.S., but how are you going to protect 320 million Americans from the “Nuclear Winter” unleashed by an Indo-Pak/China nuclear exchange? Remember what Spiderman’s uncle told him, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Controlling UFO-related information/technology since the 1940s has given you great power. Now is the time to show Great Responsibility. The Indo-Pak border is a powder keg waiting to explode, and when it does, remember what the Bard of Avon wrote:
“The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars (UFOs) but in ourselves…”
Sabir Hussain, Director of INSUFOS, lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, the state which has the highest number of nuclear reactors in India, producing electricity and Highly Enriched Uranium and Plutonium for India’s nuclear arsenal. He is the author of Accidental UFO Apocalypse that deals with Indo-Pak nuclear weapons and UFOs. Currently he is involved in making a docudrama based on his book and UFO petition before the Indian Supreme Court.
Should anyone wish to contact Sabir, please do so by emailing - alternatively, you can contact him on Whatsapp through his telephone number +91 98413 76103.
Please watch the ‘Pakistan vs India Nuclear War’ video by Dr. Brian Toon, which you can find further above in this article, as it will help you understand this article better.