All UFO Disclosure Roads Lead To Rome
Written by Christopher Sharp - 14 December 2021
Italy, it’s perhaps Europe’s most beautiful and historic nation.
Its landscape is littered with monuments dedicated to the old gods, that sit side-by-side with those of Catholicism. Its rich history has been extensively catalogued by poets, historians, and statesmen, reaching as far back to the Etruscan civilization that predated Rome.
But when studying Italy’s history (up until this day), another dimension appears - strange objects have appeared in its skies since the Roman era, where glowing objects resembling shields reportedly followed Roman armies from battle to battle.
The Italian peninsular has an extensive history with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
And that sometimes troubled past may lead to Italy becoming the first major nation (aside from the USA) to embark on its own UAP conversation.
San Marino’s Project Titan And Its Italian Connection
San Marino’s potential UAP United Nations plan (named Project Titan) was created and proposed by two groups. One is Italian, named Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN) and the other is the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), which has a strong Italian connection, and can also trace its origins to China.
The Italian crossover between ICER and the CUN is clear.
The impressive Italian duo of Roberto Pinotti and Paolo Guizzardi occupy key positions within both organizations. Pinotti is President of the CUN and ICER, whereas Guizzardi holds the CUN’s Foreign Secretariat Commission assignment and is ICER’s national representative for Italy.
The CUN includes and is supported by a collection of esteemed individuals, including scientists, high-ranking (former & current) military personnel, and prominent (former & current) civil servants.
Despite the chaotic nature of Italian politics, which has been embroiled in endless corruption and scandals, its civil service and military are the complete antithesis in relative terms; they are highly stable and proficient, having remained so for decades.
Could A Secret Be Hiding Within Italy’s Government
If a UAP secret could be kept, it’s within the heart of Italy’s government, out of sight from the daily soap opera that is Italian politics.
Despite apparent connections with Italy’s government and military, the CUN has previously had little luck in successfully lobbying the Italian parliament to open an official public investigation into UAP, although a more recent request has been lodged.
Nevertheless, individuals within the Italian government (and military in particular) seem to possess in-depth knowledge about the phenomenon, which has been duly noted by none other than former AATIP Director Lue Elizondo.
When filming the History Channel’s ‘Unidentified’, Elizondo met with Italian officials and CUN members in Rome.
At this meeting, the Italians suggested they had found a way to communicate with UAP, by using a radio beacon with a particular frequency. Upon hearing this, Elizondo remarked:
“This is next level, one of our international friends may have figured out a way to communicate, we didn’t get that far at AATIP, that’s for sure.”
To note, that particular meeting (which you can watch here) was not staged as some have speculated, something confirmed to Liberation Times by the CUN’s Paolo Guizzardi.
Note to those unable to view the below video, this was taken from Season One, Episode Six of the History Channel’s ‘Unidentified’.
Let’s fast-forward, to a recent interview with GQ magazine, where Lue Elizondo stated:
“I think we’ll see a lot more participation by the international community and a lot more transparency. We’re going to begin sharing information a lot more and I think people may be surprised just how much information is possessed on this topic by other countries.”
If any nation matches that description, it’s Italy.
Will Italy And The Vatican Join The UAP Conversation?
And with the NDAA 2022 poised to go through, perhaps Italy will be the first major nation outside the U.S. to publicly acknowledge and investigate UAP.
It could even be joined by the Vatican, which has itself played a potential key historic role in Italy’s UAP story up to this date - the Vatican refers to UAP as Unexplained Flying Things or ‘Res Inexplicatae Volantes’.
This all now seems like a real prospect, especially after the CUN and a UAP think tank (named CIFAS, which has held six UAP conferences at the Vatican since 2002), last month requested the Italian parliament to open its own UAP investigation.
But how did Italy come to possess its apparent knowledge about the phenomenon?
As we look around at today’s international landscape, it’s important to assess how we got here.
If accounts are to be believed, it is a story that began in 1930’s Italy, under the Fascist rule of Benito Mussolini.
Suspend some judgment for the next few moments and join me on a journey that spans almost 90 years.
Many of the following cases are anecdotal, although there exists some evidence to back them up. At best though, we’re basing the following cases on conjecture.
But it’s important to talk about the cases. For they play a crucial part when informing us about today’s Italian UAP scene and why the likes of Pinotti and Guizzardi take such an interest in the topic.
And these accounts suggest that Italy has a complex and intimate experience with the phenomenon, which may have spilled into conflict.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio - 1959
Two bodies allegedly lay on a table. They look like twins.
They’re dead and preserved with formaldehyde.
The bodies are in bad shape. They look like victims of a bad car accident – but the heads remain intact.
But their features trouble a French biologist invited to study the bodies.
Two males, very tall (around 7ft), long blonde hair, very high and spacious foreheads, clear blue eyes that look somewhat Asiatic, small noses, small mouths, small chins, thin lips, very clear pale skin, but no signs of facial hair.
Their hands, although slender are human-like, their toes are small and their feet flat.
The story gets weirder. Their skin appears perfectly white but shows no signs of keratin granules, which play an important role in providing natural moisturization for the skin, in addition to UV protection, and water retention.
Startlingly, the biologist discovered that their lymphatic systems were dominant and practically replaced the blood system, providing a high degree of protection from any disease.
They were not human, at least as we know it.
That’s at least how the story goes.
There are two accounts of these alleged recovered bodies within Wright-Patterson, which inform this story.
The first was from William Brophy, whose father claimed to have seen the bodies when serving as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force (USAF). Brophy claimed that his father told him the story, among those of other UAP encounters whilst serving in the USAF.
The second account is from UAP researcher Leonard Stringfield, who told the story of the French biologist in his 1982 book, named ‘UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence: Status Report III’.
U.S. officials allegedly confirmed to the French biologist that the bodies were not human and were of extraterrestrial origin.
After much hesitancy and many years, the biologist decided to tell his story, and his account was picked up by Stringfield.
1933, Italy - A Strange Craft Crashes
The bodies allegedly came from a UAP crash (according to Brophy’s account), which occurred long before Roswell.
They were apparently recovered in 1933, in Lombardy, Italy, where a mysterious craft had crashed.
Location of the crash, outside the Italian city of Milan
Italy’s leader, Benito Mussolini took all measures to silence the witnesses and classified the craft as top secret. Documents released from Mussolini’s office support claims of a cover-up. The media was not to report on what had happened and information would not be shared with any scientific institution.
And those documents, translated in English can be found below from the book entitled "Luci nel Cielo" or ‘Lights in the Sky’ by Roberto Pinotti and Alfredo Lissoni.
Mussolini’s next priority was to study the craft. Italy’s top scientists and engineers were assembled to form a top-secret group, supposedly headed by the celebrated engineer Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the radio.
Initially, no one (including Mussolini) strongly believed the craft was of extraterrestrial origin. The most widely held belief was that it was German. After all, the bodies retrieved had a strong resemblance to Germans, with their blue eyes and blonde hair.
Furthermore, Germany possessed the world’s greatest scientists and engineers, capable of developing new wonder weapons. This perhaps (at least partially, if true) explains why Mussolini (after some hesitancy) may have decided to ally with Germany in World War Two.
Although strongly suspected as German, the Italians always referred to the craft’s origin as ‘unknown’ (as stated in documents), meaning nothing conclusive could ever be proved.
So, how did the United States military gain possession of the alleged bodies and craft?
Enter Stage Right, The Vatican.
Initially, relations between Mussolini and the Vatican were very good, with the Italian leader healing wounds following the 1870s conflict between Italy and the Papal State. This led Mussolini to confide with Pope Pius XII about the retrieved unknown craft.
However, the Pope later became uneasy about the craft being in Italian possession, as Mussolini’s Italy grew closer and eventually allied with Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.
The Pope acted on his misgivings, leading to information about the craft apparently being leaked to the USA from the Vatican.
Due to the Vatican’s intervention, the alleged facility (which supposedly held the craft) was spared the wrath of allied air bombings during the war, despite all other nearby facilities being heavily targeted throughout northern Italy.
After the war, the craft was allegedly brought to the USA, where it supposedly remains today.
Lue Elizondo, in an interview with Max Moszkowicz, gave some credence to this story, stating he had seen documents from Mussolini’s office, which he described as “compelling”, before speculating (as per the story) that parts of the craft were brought to the USA.
A source who works in the aerospace industry told Liberation Times that he is 60/40 certain that something was recovered from Italy following World War Two. This source provided his opinion regarding the potential significance of the craft’s alleged retrieval, stating:
“I don’t see the Italian 1933 craft as a typical UAP like we have documented in many other sightings. It was not powered by gravity manipulation or inter-dimensional technology. I think this was a vehicle powered by jet engines and rockets and shaped like a flying wing, like the designs of the Horten brothers. It was meant to be reverse-engineered by the Axis powers to gain a technical advantage. What reason would an NHI have for gifting such technology to the Axis? Your guess is as good as mine, but it was not for benign purposes.
What happened to this craft? My guess is it was taken by the Americans since we got there before the Soviets. Or it could have been destroyed. It certainly would have helped with our rapid advances in rocketry, jet technology, and our newfound interest in flying wings such as the YB-35 and the YB-49, eventually leading to the B-2.”
Thus, we have a staggering apparent crash retrieval case that pre-dates Roswell and involves retrieved bodies.
We can prove the documents from Mussolini are real. But other parts of the story remain speculation based on anecdotal accounts.
But the case represents only the beginning of Italy’s historic encounters with UAP in the modern era.
The Black Tic Tac
An actual image of the ‘black tic tac’
When details emerged of 2004’s Nimitz tic tac encounter, many stood up and took note.
The case helped kickstart the modern-day UAP transparency movement, and to this day no credible terrestrial explanation can be identified to explain what occurred in 2004.
It remains a chink in the armor of those who suggest UAP could be Chinese drones, as no such technology is thought to have existed, even to this day.
But something just as extraordinary occurred over the skies of northeastern Italy in 1979.
The Italian Air Force ‘Maresciallo’ Giancarlo Cecconi was flying his Fiat G.91R on a reconnaissance mission. He was heading back to base in Istrana and was 20km west of the ancient Venetian city of Treviso when he spotted something odd in the sky above Treviso airport.
Location where the incident occurred
Treviso Airport, where the object was witnessed
Cecconi was vectored in to take a look.
No exhaust spotted, no conventional flying characteristic detected.
To Cecconi’s astonishment, it appeared to be a black object shaped like a water tank that had a small dome on top. The size of the object was similar to 2004’s tic tac, which looked similar in appearance, except for its colour.
The object’s size in comparison to Cecconi’s aircraft
It was stationary, hovering above Treviso’s airport. Eager to investigate, Cecconi circled the object and started taking pictures. Oddly, the object appeared to turn, following the direction of Cecconi’s aircraft, leaving him unable to view and take pictures of its side. It always remained in front of Cecconi, offering no other viewpoint.
The object moved vertically to a higher altitude before descending lower, Ceconni was obliged to follow its movement.
The black tic tac could be seen by ground observers at Treviso Airport, it was also picked up by radar.
Then, all of a sudden, it was gone.
All witnesses; the pilot, the radar operator, and those witnesses on the ground, saw it disappear like magic at the same moment.
Few would have ever believed what had happened, especially in 1970s Europe.
But luckily, Cecconi was able to sneak some images of the object from the confines of his base.
It remains an unexplainable case. And not only does photographic evidence exist - but there are also multiple witnesses, who saw the object from multiple vantage points.
At the time, this case was widely reported and appeared in a number of newspapers.
A newspaper report about the encounter
Accounts such as this and 1933’s crash suggest Italy is a hotbed of UAP activity. The CUN has assembled a database of more than 13,000 cases over seventy years, according to its President, Roberto Pinotti.
Was There A Conflict Between Italy And UAPs?
Image Showing A Mysterious Fire In Sicily
The most disturbing case occurred in 2004 on the island of Sicily, the southernmost part of Italy.
It reflects a potential conflict situation, which may have existed between crafts of unknown origin and the Italian military.
In 2004 a series of strange events, which started in Canneto di Caronia off the coast of northeastern Sicily occurred; the most significant of which were sudden unexpected fires, which damaged and destroyed homes, forcing evacuations in the region.
Cue the apparent attack from a UAP.
An Italian government helicopter was flying in the area, on a regular flight. Then the unthinkable happened: a UAP appeared a few hundred meters behind the helicopter. All of a sudden, the pilot experienced a huge shock - something appeared to hit his craft. After safely landing, he later discovered damage to the helicopter.
Damaged helicopter’s shovel
After this strange event, a photograph was taken by a resident, which shows the helicopter being followed by an unknown object with no conventional flying characteristics evident.
Image Showing UAP Trailing The Helicopter, Taken By A Local
If the object was a craft, it would suggest a UAP could have attacked the helicopter.
During this same period (and perhaps connected to the fires), locals reported seeing mysterious lights off the coast.
For months, military investigators were baffled but were able to piece together a few details, according to former Italian special forces operative Lieutenant Colonel Clarbruno Vedruccio, who briefed Elizondo of the incident (see here) on the History Channel’s Unidentified show.
Vedruccio knew about these events, having helped with the Italian government’s investigation. It should also be noted that Vedruccio is sworn to an oath of secrecy and therefore can only flirt with details he had learned from the investigation.
But the details he did provide to Elizondo were shocking - they included:
UAPs can be seen at a certain band of frequencies
To use their energy weapons (high-powered microwave bursts of short duration), UAPs must come out of stealth mode
UAPs can be attacked using depleted uranium weapons, once out of stealth mode.
Indeed, it seems a great deal is known by some Italian government insiders regarding the topic of UAP.
Vedruccio seemed to provide insights that may have big implications, if true.
The claim that UAPs use high-powered microwave bursts to attack (something which Guizzardi confirmed to us) may be corroborated by Lue Elizondo. In his insightful interview with GQ magazine, Elizondo described how pilots are suffering from physiological damage, perhaps due to microwave weaponry - Elizondo stated:
“Then [a pilot] might say, if [they] had got a little closer, “Lue, I’m at the hospital. I’ve got symptoms that are indicative of microwave damage, meaning internal injuries, and even in my brain there’s some morphology there.””
But probably the most significant piece of information (when reading between the lines) provided by Vedruccio points towards a potential conflict situation between the Italian military and UAPs.
How could he possibly know that UAPs are vulnerable to attack when faced with depleted uranium weapons or that they can launch their own attacks (out of stealth mode) using microwave weaponry unless there exist examples where such events occurred?
Either Vedruccio is speculating and basing such details on theory, or there existed a conflict situation.
Where Does This Leave Us?
The cases we’ve outlined occurred years apart, and if true, show evidence of long-term state knowledge and action in respect to the phenomenon.
There exists a blurred line between the CUN and the Italian government.
One could speculate that the CUN is being harnessed by a pro-transparency faction within the government to disseminate information.
However, despite an apparent link, the organization has had little luck encouraging its government to publicly investigate UAP.
But not all efforts have been in vain. Thanks to the CUN’s foresight in identifying San Marino (as the perfect host to take the matter to the UN), an international conversation may soon be triggered.
If the CUN’s latest request to its government succeeds, Italy could be the first nation outside the U.S. to publicly start taking UAP seriously.
The Vatican has also played an apparent role in the history of UAP.
According to stories, the Vatican was aware of Italy’s 1933 alleged UAP crash and up to this day takes an interest in the topic, having hosted various UAP conferences in recent years.
The Papacy may inevitably follow what Italy decides. If so, it may prepare 1.2 billion members of the Catholic Church for the potential reality of non-human intelligence visiting this Earth.
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